Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - ChocolateAdventurouz

Pages: [1] 2
Skins / New Update After 2 years!
« on: April 03, 2024, 10:12:06 PM »
It's been a long time, hasn't it?

  • Updated CoverPlaying sources to 1.3
  • Removed extra warning at Video2Art mod
  • Fixed strange sizing during window drawing
  • Made window not start at left-top of screen
  • Added a mod that enables/disables the information lookup at now playing and browser buttons
  • Added a mod that restores the location of original timer as it was at skin's first releases (Winamp 5.5x)
  • Replaced skin.xml with WACUP's one
  • Typo fixes & removed old username

Skins / Re: Big Bento U+
« on: July 24, 2023, 02:42:12 PM »
Hello! Sorry for the late reply (long late reply in reality). I removed everything I had done for WACUP skinning, because i don't feel like doing it anymore, and as I had changed monitor some months ago, Big Bento looked awfully and switched to BBM. Although, I will provide you now an attachment for my Big Bento modification, but i won't provide new updates anyway.

Also, you might want to check ModPlace (, which includes some workarounds that you might find helpful, but again, I don't work on these anymore, so i cannot gurantee if something doesn't work

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:50:12 PM »
But, it doesn't remember the settings next time I load the player though.

You might want to check the new update  ;) (for no-modplace use) (modplace update)
(There is a difference between them, so be careful  ;) )

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: October 22, 2022, 09:05:54 PM »
Hi ChocolateAdventurouz,

Something I noticed with CoverPlaying mod, and wanted to mention.
Sometimes, when I'm in Visualization Tab, I can see the picture from the CoverPlaying Tab underneith the Milkdrop2 preset that is playing.

After doing some searching, i wasn't able to fix that. I don't know if i can add something as a workaround (unlikely)...

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: September 07, 2022, 08:10:57 PM »
Downloaded and gave it a try. Yes. Does what it says on the box. :) But, it doesn't remember the settings next time I load the player though.

It was a one-line fix  ;D

Forgot to set the data to the skin, so it can be remembered :)
Thanks for noticing. I am kinda tired today, so the small update will be out tomorrow!  ;)

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 07, 2022, 08:09:06 PM »
Nice going.

I think "Video playback to cover enabled." would be bit more user-friendly message. (line 59)
I also added some spacing in Y-axis; changed from 5 to 25. (same line 59)
thanks for the feedback!  ;) - i will see the y-axis thing, as it might not be seen by resizing
It's unfortunate that the player has to seemingly be reloaded twice, after enabling "Video playback to cover" though.
That's something i added, to make sure  that the skin will re-read the attribs and apply the x changes (the
 pl album art activation when video2cover is enabled) - also, i have to reduce the reloading cycle to 1. thanks for noticing 'tho

(Im testing with adding URLs from YouTube. Some videos from YouTube do not play smooth at all. Other are fine.)
not modplace's problem  ;D - Winamp/WACUP have problems on video playback sometimes.
Do you happen to know how I can prevent WACUP from resizing the Main Window, whenever a rather high-res video (from YouTube) is loaded in?

Preferences -> Video -> Resize video window to fit video

Skins / Version 0.3 released
« on: September 07, 2022, 03:29:08 PM »
  • Updated CoverPlaying sources to 1.2
  • Fixed video2art glitches (thanks @SwiftReal)
  • Vocabulary things
  • The album art on the playlist will be enabled when video2cover is activated. (thanks @SwiftReal)

Skins / Version 1.2 released!
« on: September 07, 2022, 03:26:54 PM »
  • Bugfixes
  • Small Bento Support
  • 'CoverPlaying settings' (right-click -> options -> CoverPlaying Settings)
  • Added a specific metadata sorting "Now Playing: <title or filename if it hasn't title> - With: "

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: September 07, 2022, 02:45:26 PM »
I think you should add the ability to disable the "Now Playing" section, the "Version" section and allow for the listener to name the tab to what they want. -I'm sure people will appreciate it more if they had the choice of either displaying these things or not. Easy to do? Hard to do?

What do you think?


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 07:42:32 PM »
I think it takes (or could take) up too much resources to render two videos. But that's a guess. Better just simply respect that restriction.

EDIT: I think it's best to toggle it* off when the Video Tab is selected. Any other tab should toggles it* on.

That's what I did :) - Added! It will display a message on the video tab that says "Video2Art is enabled.", in order to remind the user that they forgot video2cover on  ;)

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 06:01:11 PM »
Yea, you're right. Switching to Media Library Tab first, for example, helps out.
What also helps is (while not having Video Tab loaded!) I just toggle "Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged"* off and on.
Then the video in "Video playback to cover" area appears again.

Maybe, just a thought, you can have the mod toggle that* (off and then on) whenever you (1.) load/click a different Tab than the Video Tab, and 2. the "Video playback to cover" mod is enabled ofcourse.
Yeah, that could be an easy thing to do!
Can't have two videos visibly playing simultaneously. Right? :)
As far as I know, no. I don't know if there is a "hack" to do it. I don't understand the reason to do this, in the first place.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 05:34:24 PM »
However, when I tried playing a video and checking out your mod, the display stayed black. (blacked out)
Video was playing in the video Tab, but not in the "Video playback to cover" area. So, didn't have a great experience with it. In all honesty.

Another thing which would be a nice addition, if possible, is when you right-click the CoverPlaying album art picture,
and select "Refresh Album Art" that it would change to the next Album Art, if any more art is present.
This feature however also does not work by default in WACUP, when doing the same action on the art under enlarged playlist.
(If that makes sense.) Don't know if you can make 'm work.

I'll make sure to leave a post if I have any more feedback.
Have a great day! :-)

Hmm... The "Video playback to cover" mod is not fully completed, and I am sure it has plenty of issues (that's the reason I added that warning). I haven't tested it in a while. The simplest workaround that I can provide (it is a bug), is when this mod is enabled, don't click on the "Video" tab, this will result in the black display. 

The album art thing seems from complicated to "I don't know if there is a way to" obtain the next metadata. Even though, I will check if there is a way to do it

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 04:57:36 PM »
Great! No worries.

I tried installing it again and see if anything changed. And yes. It worked!
Player didn't crash. Found and tried all the features, all of which worked fine.

However, I noticed something odd with "Enable/Disable File Labels".
Something minor.
When enabled the checkmark in the menu is not drawn. And vice versa.
When disabled the checkmark in the menu is drawn.
Should be the other way around.
Something you overlooked, I think.

Concerning the 6th mod you made, I forgot where/how to enabled the Album Art under the que list. Can you tell me where it is?
So, I haven't tested the "Video playback to cover" of ModPlace yet.

EDIT: Found where. Options > Playlist > Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged
EDIT2: You could just change "Enable/Disable File Labels" to "Enable/Disable Hiding File Labels"

When I was adding that feature, in my head i had: check = yes -> Hide & check= no -> Show
It seems I will have to use your own suggestion (edit2) to avoid confusion!  :D
(Some things need to be documented...)
I think I will have to enable the "Show Album Art if Playlist is enlarged" if it is disabled, on the "Video playback to cover" mod!

Thanks for using it and providing feedback!  :D
P.S: The WACUPFied version is the skin that comes with WACUP (it has some changes) but it will work with Big Bento Redux as well (

Skins / Re: CoverPlaying - A great cover art window mod for Bento Skins!
« on: September 06, 2022, 02:14:55 PM »
I think you should add the ability to disable the "Now Playing" section, the "Version" section and allow for the listener to name the tab to what they want. -I'm sure people will appreciate it more if they had the choice of either displaying these things or not. Easy to do? Hard to do?

What do you think?

Yeah! It is not so hard. Good addition!

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modification: ModPlace
« on: September 06, 2022, 01:34:06 PM »
Hello! Sorry for the late response.

The interface has problems some times.
Although, I can't reproduce that issue here. I patched 2 clear skins with modplace, and it worked. I will check if there is something else!
You don't have to install coverplaying separately, as it is already included

However, you can access ModPlace from <Right-Click> -> Options -> Modplace

Thanks for taking the time for testing it and sharing some tweaks :) and sorry for the inconvenience!

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