I've been somewhat busy with focusing on coding so I'm a bit behind on the pm's & emails.
I'm not actively adding new beta testers at the moment as I've some house cleaning to do with the existing inactive ones (maybe 1 in 7 with access are even using the new builds) also there is the "Note: requests to be a beta tester are processed in batches when new beta builds are released so please by patient of this process." with the 2 places I list about what to do to be considered.
Also at the moment beta testing is just not doing what I want to get back from it & I've yet to decide how I want to proceed with it. It's nothing elitist (as has been claimed before by some) but I need people to actually test things rather than get access & I never hear anything from them (or even worse spread beta versions around which aren't fit for wider consumption - if they are then they get released as a preview build for just that).
@Aminifu: That is not available for those who aren't beta testers.