Here's a very basic script using the installer options to install WACUP in wine.
set -ex
# Options passed to installer:
# /IAGREE - Agree to installation [skips the welcome, license & changelog page (if applicable)]
# /PORTABLE - Select the portable install mode (settings stored in the install folder) by default instead of a normal install (which stores the settings on a per-user basis)
# /S - Run the installer silently, assumes a default full install
# /D=<path> - Sets the default installation directory and this must be the last parameter used in the command-line and must not contain any quotes, even if the path contains spaces. Only absolute paths are supported.
# Only use wine32 bit for now, with a prefix in ~/.wine32
# FILENAME=WACUP_Preview_Portable_v1_0_21_7236.exe
DOWNLOAD_DIR=/tmp/$(basename ${FILENAME} .exe)
mkdir -p ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}
cd ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} && curl -s -L -C - -O $URL
Normally I'd put something like this as a public github gist, though I guess that could attract more testers, which I'm not sure are needed right now.
This sort of thing is handy as the basis for automated testing, if I tweak this further I'll update this thread.
For now this is a little my-compute centric, it installs using Wine to a 32 bit prefix in .wine32.