Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - Dsalomon

Pages: [1] 2
It is possible to add a real-time display, regardless of the redundancy of the remaining time and the calculation of the system time in each element of the playlist, as well as a total.
I leave an attached image to exemplify the idea, thank you for your attention.

Es posible añadir una visualización en tiempo real valga la redundancia del tiempo restante y el cálculo de la hora del sistema en cada elemento de la lista de reproducción, así como de un total.
Dejo una imagen adjunta para ejemplificar la idea, gracias por su atención.

well, check in input dshow if I'm not bad that the video formats are added, if you use additional codecs you will have to disable dll, _mp4 and dll_avi because they don't work together, sorry my bad English but I use the translator

What level ... a new line of code, thank you very much, if it is possible to see the track number according to your position in the playlist ... greetings from Guatemala.

Good afternoon greetings from Guatemala, again I request a guide, now with a different theme but always focused on my field, I would like you to guide me to have the combination to show the name of the next file using the interesting Winamp ATF code, so I I got to use the synchronization with Twitter @DsCanal, in the complement included in WACUP, I have done some experiments but I have something like that, so I would appreciate if you had examples of how to understand the logic:

You're watching:
$ puts (_title, [% artist% -] $ if2 (% title%, $ filepart (% filename%))) $ iflonger ($ get (_title), 81, $ cut ($ get (_title), 78). .., $ get (_title))
'Only for #DsCanal remember #SoloEstrenos #QualityHD #RedDsCanal'
$ IfStrEqual2 (% year%, 2019, Premiere Movie!:, A movie to remember! ':)')

You're watching:
DJ Mike Llama - Call Whippin 'Intro
Just for #DsCanal remember #SoloEstrenos #QualityHD #RedDsCanal
  A movie to remember! :)

I wish I could make it appear this way

You are watching: DJ Mike Llama - Llama Whippin 'Intro
After: The next file ... (the next track)
And later: The third file ... (the track that continues)

Just for #DsCanal remember #SoloEstrenos #QualityHD #RedDsCanal


Winamp ATF mostrar "continua (nombre de la siguiente pista)"

Buena tarde saludos desde Guatemala, nuevamente les solicito una guía, ahora con un tema diferente pero siempre enfocado a mi campo, quisiera que me orientaran a hayar la combinación para mostrar el nombre del archivo siguiente utilizando el interesante código Winamp ATF, por lo que se me dio por utilizar la sincronización con Twitter @DsCanal, en el complemento incluido en WACUP, he hecho algunos experimentos pero me queda algo así, por lo que agradecería si hubieran ejemplos de cómo entender la lógica:

Estas viendo:
$puts(_title,[%artist% - ]$if2(%title%,$filepart(%filename%)))$iflonger($get(_title),81,$cut($get(_title),78)...,$get(_title))
'Solo por #DsCanal  recuerda #SoloEstrenos #CalidadHD #RedDsCanal'
$IfStrEqual2(%year%,2019, Película en Estreno!:, ¡Una película para recordar! ':)' )

Estas viendo:
DJ Mike Llama - Llama Whippin' Intro
Solo por #DsCanal  recuerda #SoloEstrenos #CalidadHD #RedDsCanal
 ¡Una película para recordar! :)

Quisiera que apareciera de esta forma

Estas viendo:  DJ Mike Llama - Llama Whippin' Intro
Después:  El siguiente archivo…    (el track siguiente)
Y más adelante:  El tercer archivo… (el track que continua)

Solo por #DsCanal  recuerda #SoloEstrenos #CalidadHD #RedDsCanal

Good evening, today I have a query regarding the sales positions of WACUP / Winamp, as I mentioned I use Winamp to program a batch of videos that are broadcasted to a local TV channel, today in the morning all the automation (BATCH DOS) worked of the most, but then out of nowhere I was informed that the videos were being watched head-on, so when not being present in the place I gave the instruction that they only had to select Winamp and press the combination Shift + F to return the video to normal, which meant closing and reopening the program.
But after rebooting (even in safe mode -also-) and returning the playback controls [Player Window], only the playlist, after an hour struggling, did not work, then I went to the good internet and found that deleting the % APPDATA% \ Roaming \ WACUP \ studio.xnf file
and opening again all the windows were reestablished here I leave the source:
the question after all this is what can I edit there?
Does it work specifically on all skins?

Thank you.

Buenas noches, hoy tengo una consulta en relación a las posiciones de las ventas de WACUP/Winamp, como lo he comentado yo uso Winamp para programar una tanda de videos que son emitidos a un canal de TV local, hoy por la mañana toda la automatización (BATCH DOS) funcionaba de los mas bien, pero entonces de la nada me reportaron que los videos se estaban viendo de cabeza, por lo cual al no estar presencialmente en el lugar di la instrucción que solo debían seleccionar Winamp y presionar la combinación Shift+F para regresar al video a la normalidad, lo que significo cerrar y volver a abrir el programa.
Pero después de reiniciar (aun en modo seguro –también-) y regresar no se veían los controles de reproducción [Player Window], solo el playlist, después de una hora luchando, no funciono, entonces acudí al buen internet y encontré que borrando el archivo %APPDATA%\Roaming\WACUP\studio.xnf
y abriendo nuevamente todas las ventanas se reestablecieron aquí dejo la fuente:
la pregunta después de todo esto es ¿qué puedo editar allí?
¿Funciona específicamente en todas las pieles?


Wishlist / Feature Requests / DISPLAY 1 and DISPLAY 2 VIDEO FULLSCREEN
« on: April 24, 2019, 05:30:34 PM »
Good day, as always I greet you, with video themes a section not very popular but very powerful in Winamp / WACUP, in this post I am adding to the wish list a feature that I read once for the theme of the visualizations I leave the link .
In this case I imagine it as a way of choosing where the video screen comes from, for example, in the case of having a video projector or screen connected to the PC and configured by the extended desktop, you could choose if the video starts in screen 1 or screen 2

adapter_devicename_fullscreen = \\. \ DISPLAY1
change it to
adapter_devicename_fullscreen = \\. \ DISPLAY2


P.S. that photoshop so imaginative


Buen día, como siempre les saludo, con temas de vídeo un apartado no muy popular pero muy potente en Winamp/WACUP, en este post vengo añadiendo a la lista de deseos una característica que leí alguna vez para el tema de las visualizaciones dejo el link.
En este caso lo imagino como una forma de elegir a donde sale la pantalla de vídeo, por ejemplo, en el caso de tener un proyector de vídeo o pantalla conectada al pc y configurada por el escritorio extendido, se pudiera elegir si el vídeo inicia en la pantalla 1 o pantalla 2


PD. que photoshop tan imaginativo

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Video in full screen at 1080p
« on: April 24, 2019, 03:46:08 PM »
Incredible, thanks Dro, for responding to my request, I think I'm the only one who uses Winamp / Wacup for video and the issue of taking my opinions into account is something very appreciated, I use Winamp to automate my TV channel with batch and winamp.
I think I'll open a post asking for something else that I saw for the Visualizations.

Thanks and greetings from Guatemala.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Increible, gracias Dro, por responder a mi solicitud, creo que soy el unico que usa Winamp/Wacup para video y el tema de que se tomen en cuenta mis opiniones es algo muy apreciado, yo uso Winamp para automatizar mi Canal de televisión con batch y winamp.
creo que abrire un post mas pidiendo otra cosa que vi para las Visualizaciones.

Gracias y saludos desde Guatemala.

Good morning, today I bring you a trick, that a friend designed me, although, the original idea is mine and I wrote it once, but when corrected this is the result.
Imagine that in a folder they have a huge collection of music videos, cartoons (without continuity) or just a large number of various files.

These files want to place them randomly to the winamp list for playback and to play them.

For this you have to create an MS-DOS batch batch file
In a new block of notes paste the following code:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
@Echo OFF & chcp 1252 >NUL & Setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Title %~n0 & Mode con cols=50 lines=3
Set /A "MAX=30"
Set "TMP_Playlist=%Temp%\Playlist.tmp"
Set "Playlist=%Temp%\Playlist.m3u"
 For /F "Tokens=*" %%$ in (
     'Dir /B /S "%~dp0" ^| Findstr /I /R "\.avi$ \.mkv$ \.mp4"'
 ) DO (
     Echo !Random!!Random!!Random!;%%$
 For /F "Tokens=2* Delims=;" %%$ in (
     'Type "%TMP_Playlist%" ^| Sort '
 ) DO (
     Set /A "Count+=1"
     If !COUNT! LSS %MAX% (
         Echo %%$
     ) ELSE (
         Goto :Run
Start /B "" "%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Winamp\winamp.exe" "%Playlist%" || (Exit /B 1)
ping localhost -n 8 >nul
Exit /B 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally, save it in the same folder where you have the videos with extension .bat

When the file is executed, it will be added to the list and the files indicated will be reproduced randomly
In this case to say the amount of videos modify this line to your need

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Set /A "MAX=30"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And the extensions in this line:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Dir /B /S "%~dp0" ^| Findstr /I /R "\.avi$ \.mkv$ \.mp4"'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I hope it serves you, I use it every day, for my community TV channel.

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Video in full screen at 1080p
« on: April 20, 2019, 08:49:39 PM »
OK. in plain English, video over a certain size is not scaling to fit the screen.

Is the video file 1920x1080 ?
Is the option to resize the video enabled in WACUP preferences ?

What friends, I think it was not understood, that's why I better illustrate what has been said
When I said to configure the winamp.ini, configure the values, width: 1920 and height: 1080

the video configuration is as follows: resize video Windows to fit video

the problem really is that I make an extended desktop which has the resolution 1920 * 1080, but when the video starts opens in full screen in the following way, it does not occupy the screen completely (when measuring the capture it really measures 720p). It is worth mentioning that the video was processed at 1080p.

I do not know if it's a new feature or some correction, so I'm sorry if it's not in the right place, good day.

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Video in full screen at 1080p
« on: April 14, 2019, 05:59:59 AM »
Hello good night, I come again requesting something on video or maybe the correction if I do not see it.
The matter is like this, when I open the video window on monitor 2 or extended monitor, in full screen with video_auto_fs = 1 command, specifically at 1080p resolution opens the video without borders, but it does not occupy more than 1280 x 720, it does not matter if I set the resolution manually: video_width = 1920, video_height = 1080, it does not work, I use an AMD R7 500 series video card and I do monitor 2 with HDMI.


Hola buena noche, vengo nuevamente solicitando algo sobre video o talvez la corrección si no la veo.
El asunto este así, cuando abro la ventana de video en el monitor 2 o monitor extendido, en pantalla completa con el comando video_auto_fs = 1, específicamente a resolución 1080p se abre el video ya sin bordes, pero no ocupa más de 1280 x 720, no importa si le coloco la resolución manualmente: video_width=1920, video_height=1080, no funciona, uso una tarjeta de video AMD R7 500 series y hago el monitor 2 con HDMI.


is a real shame, I want to tell you that for me the video solution combined with the K-lite codec package, has been the best and most stable way to broadcast my TV channel, so I beg you to consider not leaving the support of video, for me it is the best.

es una verdadera lastima, quiero decirte que para mi la solución de video combinada con el paquete de codec K-lite, ha sido la mejor y mas estable forma de emitir mi canal de TV, por lo cual ruego a que consideres no dejar el soporte de video, para mi es de lo mejor.

well I think I need to read more the old forum (I would appreciate if you recommend some related topics), but depending on what I interpret, I did my tests and it worked for me in the following way with # 3276 (January 28th 2019):

copy within the "% appdata% \ WACUP" folder two files with the desired logo


only that way it worked correctly.

thank you.

bien creo que me falta leer mas el antiguo foro (agradecería si me recomiendas algunos temas relacionados), pero atendiendo a lo que interprete hice mis pruebas y a mi me funciono de la siguiente manera con #3276 (January 28th 2019):

copie dentro de la carpeta "%appdata%\WACUP" dos archivos con el logo deseado


solo así funciono correctamente.

muchas gracias.

Thank you for your attention, I would like to have the knowledge to create an add-on, but I am barely understanding how to use the command line with MS-DOS, which in your project is greatly expanded, if you want it, I will always be waiting.


Gracias por tu atención, me gustaria tener el conocimiento para crear un complemento, pero apenas ando entendiendo como usar la linea de comandos con MS- DOS que en tu proyecto esta muy ampliada, si lo cosideras estare siempre a la espera.


Thank you very much for answering, usually I have not had any problem, but I use modern skin; maybe you consider adding it, in any case it is an option you could write it at par (works with modern skin), thank you, I will be attentive.

Muchas gracias por contestar, por lo general no me ha producido ningún problema, pero utilizo la piel moderna; tal vez consideres añadirla, en todo caso es una opción podrías escribirle a la par (funciona con la piel moderna), gracias, estaré atento.

Wishlist / Feature Requests / An NDI plugin for WACUP will be possible
« on: February 22, 2019, 03:29:52 AM »
Here the development question is short (although I can not measure the difficulty of creation) is it possible that we can use the NewTek NDI video output through WACUP, for which we use these applications oriented to TV production.
In third-party players it already exists, but I love Winamp.

Thanks for your attention.


Sera posible un plugin NDI para WACUP
Aquí la pregunta de desarrollo es corta (aunque no puedo medir la dificultad de creación) ¿es posible que podamos usar la salida de video NewTek NDI a través de WACUP, para los que usamos estas aplicaciones orientadas a producción de TV.
En reproductores de terceros ya existe, pero yo amo a Winamp.

Gracias por su atención

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