Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - Nitorami

Pages: [1]
Resolved Issues / Re: 100% CPU load when playing linein://
« on: November 12, 2019, 07:29:46 PM »
Hi DrO
I'm rather oblivious of skins and usually just keep the classic one. But, I just revisited the issue, and it does not seem to reoccur with WACUP. Sorry, I may have got confused with all the versions I installed and deinstalled.
The problem still reliably persists with winamp 5.8, fresh install, default settings, classic skin, and I'm fairly certain it is related to a windows update, as I would have noted it before. My father's old machine in particular, which used to work smoothly, now hardly responds at all when milkdrop is playing linein://
I will change to wacup.

Just for curiosity, I observed that WACUP is running CPU heavy milkdrop presets at a faster rate than winamp. That does not come for free, the CPU load also goes up proportionally. I have always ticked the "loosely enforce frame rate" box, so something seems to have changed in the fps control.


Resolved Issues / 100% CPU load when playing linein://
« on: November 03, 2019, 02:16:36 PM »
Hi there
As of lately, when I select linein:// and press play, the PC gets sluggish, with CPU load close to 100%. No visualisation, just playing stereomix. Process Explorer indicates that the main load is caused by explorer exe; within the explorer, the main load is in shcore.dll.
When playing from CD or disk, this does not happen.

Same with all winamp versions as well as the wacup preview version. I am using windows 10 version 1903. Possibly this came in via a recent windows update, but I cannot revert to an older version to try. Issue is the same on my father's PC which is also at version 1903.

My only solution to this is to kill explorer.exe, and to restart it when I need the desktop back...


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