Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: [FIXED] problem w/the Playlist Editor for the latest preview build (  (Read 5828 times)


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OK, so, back when I was using the most recent stable version of WinAmp (5.666) before I switched to using WACUP, then after switching to WACUP, using the previous preview build for WACUP (, whenever I would 1) right-click on the Playlist Editor when it was in windowshade mode, 2) select "Play",  3) select "File", 4) select more than one audio file and, 5) click on the "Open" button in the open file(s) window, the Playlist Editor would load whatever audio files I had selected and begin playing them.

Well, after downloading the installer for the latest preview build, then doing an upgrade installation for WACUP to the latest build (in other words, installing the latest version over the prior one), when I now execute the above instructions for playing audio files, all the Playlist Editor does is show the name of the folder that the multiple audio files are in; it doesn't even play any of the files.
However, if I select a single audio file (rather than selecting multiple ones) when I execute the above instructions, the Playlist Editor loads the song and plays it.

The only way now I can get the Playlist Editor to load & play audio files is if, during my execution of the above instructions, I select "Folder" instead of file, then select the folder that contains the audio files I want to play, then select "OK" and wait for the Playlist Editor to load and then play the files.

Is the new version supposed to be this way? Or, during the changes made from the previous version, did the developers (maybe accidentally?) change some sort of code that now prevents me from loading and playing audio files the way I used to?

Edit: Oh, and another problem that's popped up for me as well: when I use the fade-out feature on a song in the latest build, in windowshade mode, the Playlist Editor registers the song as having been paused; it's only when I actually use the stop feature on a song (again in windowshade mode) that the song completely stops playing.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 04:13:22 AM by dro »


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So its the open file(s) dialog & multiple file selection isn't working but single selection is fine ? If so then I'd missed that when I'd replaced the code used & will look into it probably later tonight.

What skin are you using as I'd have to guess it might be a classic skin since that's got some other display issues with the stopping actions again due to how some of the code was replaced.



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Actually, the skin I've been using with WACUP since I first installed the previous build is "Winamp Modern".

So, by the sound of it, problems/glitches with the newest build aren't constrained to just the "Winamp Classic" skin (if that's the classic skin you're referring to).


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Luckily the stop with fadeout issue was a generic issue to all skins & yes "Winamp Classic" is what I meant only because of what I'd had reported the night before but that was me jumping the gun.

Both issues are now fixed for the next build. Thanks for taking the time to report them :)



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Luckily the stop with fadeout issue was a generic issue to all skins & yes "Winamp Classic" is what I meant only because of what I'd had reported the night before but that was me jumping the gun.

Both issues are now fixed for the next build. Thanks for taking the time to report them :)


So, just to be clear...

In other words, for the next build:
1) when I select multiple audio files through the instructions I described in the first post, the Playlist Editor will load & play all of them, rather than just showing the name of the folder they're in?
& 2) when I do stop with fadeout, when the fadeout ends, the song will actually stop, rather than the pop-up notification saying the song is paused & me having to actually execute the stop option to stop the song?

If so, then I'm glad the program will be back to normal for the next version.

And, I'm more than happy to report any issues I come across, as I look forward to WACUP becoming at least as good as WinAmp was in it's prime, if not leagues better.


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Yes to both being fixed. Neither were intentional but were things missed whilst moving a load of functionality from being done via Winamp code over to WACUP code & sometimes it goes awry.



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Don't worry; I completely understand.

It takes time and a lot of effort to get things right.


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Build 5500 is now available with the changes.



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Just did the upgrade install for the newest version.

Then, tested selecting more than one audio file at a time. The Playlist Editor loaded all the selected files and plays them.

Tested doing a fade-out in windowshade mode. The pop-up notification shows the song as having ended at the end of the fade-out.

So, I can report both issues as having been fixed.

Much thanks to you, dro, and the rest of the WACUP development team.