General => Wishlist / Feature Requests => Topic started by: MourningStar on June 20, 2022, 09:26:22 PM

Title: Waveform Seeker for Streaming
Post by: MourningStar on June 20, 2022, 09:26:22 PM
Because the thread was closed ('Resolved') I supplied a screen capture of a portion relative to this. I agree with Aminifu in that I too desire a 'fill'.
Title: Re: Waveform Seeker for Streaming
Post by: MourningStar on June 20, 2022, 10:57:51 PM
here I go again getting all twisted. The screen capture above was from a topic regarding a rare anomaly with non-stream type playback. Since the seeker does not support streaming, I should make clear that this topic is for the seeker to support it and perhaps the 'moving' fill can somehow get hooked to the elapsed time graphically. I know not if the current seeker can easily be enhanced and if not perhaps a new one created?
(I have updated the op with a, hopefully, more appropriate title)
Title: Re: Waveform Seeker for Streaming
Post by: dro on June 29, 2022, 12:03:48 AM
The way the waveform seeker works currently makes it rely on the file conversion api which won't work with streams which is why it shows the empty waveform & doesn't do anything else.

So a different mechanism (or I just make the file conversion have a stream / current playing handling mode) would need to be employed for streams so there's none of the weird plug-in hooking / faking playback that the very early versions of the plug-in would use so it can instead just get the direct audio needed to then able to effectively run in a non-ending loop & then from that it'd have to be changed to render out some form of I suppose 'scrolling' audio view.

It's that last part I really don't know what would make the best sense to do to show what's going on.
