If I click on the visualization I can just toggle between Spectrum Analyzer modes _OR_ Oscilloscope modes.
I noted this, it's not working under WACUP, stopped working a couple of builds back, think I've pointed it out on the Discord server (or not, maybe it was only on my mind hah). What I didn't noticed was that it was linked to the preferences on classic skins =/ .
Activating or deactivating Classic Visualizaion in the right-click context menu dosn't seem to change anything (or I'm too stupid blind
Actually, the "modern" visualization is a stereo vis MIRRORED on the right. It should reflect left and right channels but those params are broken on Winamp (never worked actually).
And precisely because those params are broken, some users suggested to use a simple vis (not mirrored), which I did, using a wider/thicker "band", but a slightly shorter total width. All these may not be quite noticeable on high resolutions.. (I can tell the difference in a heart beat, but I'm the author... XD )