Excellent, the two programs handle command line arguments the same way. That means when I see two complete copies of the player running and playing at the same time, then the various startup methods need adjustment until they all point to the same target for Windows to execute. Registry associations, Start Menu items, desktop icons, batch files, shortcuts, items in another app-launcher, etc.
But what is going on when WacUp.EXE is playing a track, and a different audio file gets passed on a new command line like \Path\WacUp.EXE "\Path\NewTrack.FLAC", and the attached error message pops up? I expect the player to follow the preferences and do something like one of:
- stop playing, and switch to playing the file
- append the file to the current playlist
- whatever else is possible
Or, where can I find documentation about the available command line parameters? This is from August 2019, but tried the /Add and it seems to not work:
Launching Winamp
For the first copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp1" /CLASS="Winamp1"
For the second copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp2" /CLASS="Winamp2"
To play a file in an already open Winamp (note: this will launch Winamp, as above, if the particular copy is not open)
For the first copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp1" /CLASS="Winamp1" some.mp3
For the second copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp2" /CLASS="Winamp2" some.mp3
To enqueue a file in an already open Winamp (note: as above, this will launch if not already open)
For the first copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp1" /CLASS="Winamp1" /Add some.mp3
For the second copy: WinAmp /INIDIR="%appdata%\Winamp2" /CLASS="Winamp2" /Add some.mp3
The /INIDIR switch specifies where to store configuration files. I've just chosen a typical place, you can place it wherever.
The /CLASS switch uniquely identifies the instance of Winamp, so that you can play and enqueue files to one particular instance when multiple ones are open.
You can use any names you want (limited to about 60 characters).
Note: using the /CLASS switch could potentially break some third party programs and plugins that communicate with Winamp.