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Author Topic: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)  (Read 7471 times)


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Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« on: December 01, 2019, 11:10:01 PM »
Hello, I'm a Winamp user for many years and in fact the 5.8 version is Okay for me, except the bug with remembering set app windows positions (main window, playlist, media library). Recently I've found WACUP, which seems to be doesn't have this issue.

However, the main problems I've found in WACUP so far (I listen music only, I don't use other Winamp functionality):

1) I have few hundreds items in the Bookmarks and there are either m3u/m3u8 files, or *.cue files or just folders. The WACUP problem is it doesn't play folders from Bookmarks menu :( Is it a bug or a limitation of WACUP ?

2) I have lots of Bookmarks to *.cue files and in original Winamp I use old good plugin CUE Player v.0.57c, which is still working in the 5.8. However, WACUP crashes if I run any *.cue file, placing the in_cue.dll and in_cue.ini from the 5.8 plugins folder to the WACUP plugins folder. Is there any way to run this plugin in WACUP ? Or any other working solution for *.cue files ?

3) No file associations, however I read on the WACUP fb page that it's in progress.

4) No context menus like Play in WACUP, Add to WACUP Bookmarks and other Winamp standard context menus.

Thanks for any help or info for the above.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2019, 11:19:38 PM by Aggregate »


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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2019, 07:15:13 PM »
1) The folder issue I might have already got fixed for the next build as part of changes done a few weeks back as there was an issue with the replacement of some common handling that meant folders weren't being processed out.

2) I've not done anything intentionally to break that specific plug-in but it's been an unstable plug-in even on Winamp proper for most of its existence. Maybe re-running the plug-in installer will help but there's a few other cue plug-ins out there which could also be tried. Native cue support is on the plan but I've got more to do to get to a position where I'll get it implemented (as it really needs core + plug-in specific handling to get it done right).

3 + 4) These are all related. WACUP has been intentionally set not to associate due to not being feature complete & it also helps to make it easier to compare & test between a standard Winamp install & a WACUP install. Getting file association support completed will do both aspects subject to using the Windows default apps solution to get files associated with WACUP at which point the menus will then appear.



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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2019, 09:00:20 PM »
1) Okay, good to know ;)

2) Hmm, I didn't found CUE Player v.0.57c buggy, maybe just few rare minor issues when the Winamp position bar lost it's correct position. Anyway, tried some other Cue plugins on Winamp, but left this CUE Player v.0.57c for using until today. However, it was so long time ago, that can't remember what exactly I didn't like in other Cue plugins.
Also it doesn't have any installer, it's just 2 DLL's zipped. If someone could recommend well working alternative to CUE Player v.0.57c- I would be happy to test it on WACUP.

3) Great, so this could be expected someday as well.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 09:05:30 PM by Aggregate »


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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2019, 09:48:12 PM »
There is a basic CUE support built in, but you need to have the waveform seeker open to see the track info and markers there.
Ignore the CUE file and open the actual music file.
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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2019, 10:33:14 PM »
You probably mean the markers inside WAVs, which the apps like Sound Forge could embed ? Because I see nothing in the wf seeker, running a music file with the same name Cue file in the same folder. Anyway, by cue support I mean normal tracklist in the Playlist, like it is with CUE Player v.0.57c, like AIMP does natively, etc.

To be honest, If AIMP had implemented the same nice bookmarks functionality as Winamp has and if they had created a "Winamp -> AIMP bookmarks converter" for it - I would move to AIMP log time ago, to stop using a player which requires some crutches for standard Cue support, the original Winamp developers ignored this for so long time. I've investigated this possibility on AIMP forum more than 6-7 years ago, but nobody cares there. Moreover, there is no possibility to bookmark folders in AIMP still, as far as I know,. But if they had realized that, it would be very nice option to move Winamp users to their player, but...
If there are plans for more or less native Cue support in WACUP - there will be no need to think about AIMP, Foobar, etc. :)


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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2019, 10:00:04 PM »
The waveform seeker cue support isn't going to work for what's needing to be done i.e. you can't specifically play the correct parts of the file without having to manually seek.

I've had a look at the crash report that was emailed & the CUE plug-in seems to be breaking the subclassing chain. Why that's happening I don't know but if I can replicate the crash myself or possibly look the CUE plug-in it might be possible to workaround the issue that's happening.

re: AIMP/other players, I agree reliable CUE support should have been implemented a long time ago but I tried to get the community to help fund it back in 2010 & there was no interest so it languished when I was able to work on Winamp directly again after that time. But for WACUP it's something that needs to be done but it needs it being directly done in the appropriate formats so there's none of the audio blips that otherwise occur.

« Last Edit: December 03, 2019, 10:08:37 PM by dro »


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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2019, 10:19:40 PM »
Well, it's good if maybe there is any workaround for the CUE Player v.0.57c to work. It crashes just opening its config tabs in the settings.
In fact, this non-working Cue plugin, inability to run folders from bookmarks and in-existing or context menus are the only 3 issues still holding on original Winamp for "daily using :D" and, as I understand, running folders from bookmarks is going to be the first improvement of these 3.

Regarding the "directly done in the appropriate formats" - in fact, this v.0.57c works Okay for MP3, FLAC, APE, so regardless the formats, as least for these three. Yes, it's a little bit buggy sometimes, but still the favorite, comparing to other Cue plugins I've tried (I think I've checked all of them :D).

So, keep staying tuned to test further updates with any of these points mentioned above improved/added ;)


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Re: Bookmarks don't play folders (as original Winamp does)
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2020, 08:22:29 PM »
Greetings !
To check the issues above, I've just checked the latest portable build and noticed that:
1) Folders are now can be run from the Bookmarks, great ! ;)
2) Cue is still a problem and the in_cue.dll (CUE Player v.0.57c) mentioned above is now seems to be blocked from running completely. So, no chances for Cue support (either native or third party) in the Playlist in the nearest time, as far as I understand :(
3+4) Not sure, as I'm running the Portable version - are there context menus implemented, like Play In Wacup and Add to Wacup Bookmarks in case of not Portable installed ?

Thanks !
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 08:24:54 PM by Aggregate »