Thks for the info about the Plug-in Streamripper.
Unfortunately I have difficulties with WACUP

This one crashes shortly after its launch. (1,2-10min).
I tried to isolate the problem (playling in ML or Setting, without changing anythings), see if it occurs during particular handling.
Unfortunately, the crashes appear random (most when i'm closing the Setting preference, or after looking a lot in ML).
I still feel like it's connected to the workload.
Before the crash, I observed the WACUP process with more than 280,000ko of memory.
With Winamp (without WACUP) this one uses about 70.000ko
In addition, I encounter display bugs with WACUP:
Scroll bar not visible in ML as well as color bugs. (Color mix between two Skins).
And some albums in ML doesn't show any Tracks after i clic on it.
I've got something like 30.000 elements (420Go) in the ML.
I found some crash report, should i send it to someone ?
Thank everyone for ur Help, Still LOVING Winamp ;-)