Either they don't want to keep running it & cba to just acknowledge it or it's a side-effect of the sale of targetspot/shoutcast at the end of 2022 & they don't know how to split things cleanly or something went wrong at OVH (again) & it's hosed the database & they won't admit it or it's avoid any backlash about the "new winamp" that they're trying to push (the online thing) or <insert_other_option>.
I'm more surprised it was kept going for how long it was post-sale as they wanted to kill it early on plus they're only really interested about "the future" rather than what's come before to get them whatever remains of the integrity of the brand & all of the user content, etc that that place held which has likely been lost if it's not restored (as the 2013 internet archive scape was massively incomplete). Either way it's down to the "llama group" to sort it out or at least just acknowledge they don't want to deal with it than keeping some people hanging on to the hope it'll be restored.