Well, a first for me in a long time... I just wrote up my experiences over the last couple of days with the latest dnas update and when I submited, I was met with the same screen I got on my first posts.... 'thank you for your comment.... it will be posted as soon as a moderator approves it'.
Wow. I guess someone's getting a little sensitive to all the anger they've been getting with their shoutcast servers cutting in and out and their last DNAS update before the other day being a dud. My problem with the latest was exactly the same as the last one.... the source disconnects from the DNAS on every single track and would give a log entry on the changing bitrate. Even more frustratingly, it was only happening when people were actually listening to the stream.
I still have such sentimental attachment to winamp/shoutcast that I've been tolerating the extra babysitting my streaming station has required, but gosh, I really miss as recently as a year ago when both could run unattended for days without freezes, crashes, or DSP irregularities creeping up.
Oh well... just wanted to rant someplace and didn't feel like I could anywhere on the winamp forum.