Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

Author Topic: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized  (Read 12539 times)

Axel Slingerland

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Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« on: February 08, 2022, 01:52:04 PM »
Hello DrO,

You may recall back in June 2020, I sent you an email (out of the blue, thanks again for replying!) asking about your Winamp Album Art plugin. Once I figured out that was a "Senior Moment" I told you I had never heard of WACUP before, and I would have to look into it. Well, it took awhile before I remembered to do that. Another senior moment, I suppose (I get a lot of those now that I'm in my mid-60's), but I usually remember things eventually. In addition to that my health had been doing the yo yo thing for awhile, and I have recently started to feel a little more towards my normal self again.

I tend to remember things when something reminds me of them. That was the case with Winamp, when I decided I wanted to try to make parts of my modified copy of Major Tom Remix (originally for Winamp 2.6, if I recall correctly, but this particular one was updated for Winamp 5.666) bigger and thus more visible. I can see the Amp and EQ windows ok, which are "Double Sized", but the rest of the windows aren't capable of that. I increased the font size in the Playlist, but I would like to make all window borders and title bars the same size.

I remember back in the old days some people made some outrageous skins that were nothing like any of the standard stuff, but I have no idea how that was done. I can update the images, but I don't know how to make the window borders twice their normal size. That is basically all I want to do.

Can you (or anyone) point me in the right direction, as searching Google has turned up very little, and most of what I did find I couldn't understand a word of. One thing that came up that I recognized, was WACUP might provide some insight. So here I am, finally looking into it. :)

Do you have any suggestions for me? I would appreciate it very much.

Also, I see you have mentioned "patched 5.666" in many places on the forum. How do I tell if my copy fits that description? In the About listing it says "v5.666 Build 3516 (x86)." Nevermind... I found what that means. :)

Thanks in advance,

« Last Edit: February 08, 2022, 02:31:58 PM by Axel Slingerland »
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Eris Lund

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2022, 02:45:56 PM »
You'll find what you need in the preferences under the "Classic Skin" section, I don't know what it's called again unfortunately (not on the computer at the moment), so you'll have to look what it's called there.
Maker of Plugins, I suppose.
(I know, creative names)


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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2022, 03:51:15 PM »
Winamp when using a classic/2.x style skin will only ever double-size the main & equaliser windows (unless the option to double-size the equaliser window is un-checked). There's nothing that can be done to change that either in it's configuration or via modifying the skins.

WACUP will double-size all of the classic skin window frames that it can along with the playlist editor & video windows. If using 3rd plug-ins that add their own windows, those typically will not be double-sized to match as there's some compatibility issues with generically forcing such a behave & so it needs updates to have them opt-in by reporting they support the handling.

Otherwise the "outrageous skins that were nothing like any of the standard stuff" are winamp3/modern style skins which allow for a freeform design but they're much more involved to create/edit vs the classic/2.x style ones where it's just editing a few bitmap files. There are some modern skins including one that's included with WACUP which offers a scalable classic skin like appearance that might be appropriate (

There's also the issue that a plain Winamp install will often be smaller than it should be when the Windows text scaling is enabled which may not be helping - something else that WACUP does by telling the OS to not mess around with things which may also help if you're struggling to see the windows.

If you try out the WACUP preview, you're best ensuring you install it into a separate folder from your existing Winamp install so it's easier to compare & try things out between the 2 installs.


Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2022, 05:47:44 PM »
Wow... I forgot how fast you reply. :)

There's nothing that can be done to change that either in it's configuration or via modifying the skins.
I was afraid you would say that...

WACUP will double-size all of the classic skin window frames that it can along with the playlist editor & video windows.
Those are the primary windows I would like to double, along with the Main and EQ windows.

Otherwise the "outrageous skins that were nothing like any of the standard stuff" are winamp3/modern style skins...
20 years is a long time, specially for someone with a bad memory to begin with.

There are some modern skins including one that's included with WACUP which offers a scalable classic skin like appearance that might be appropriate (
Wow... That looks better than the original.

There's also the issue that a plain Winamp install will often be smaller than it should be when the Windows text scaling is enabled which may not be helping...
I don't think that's the case here because I tried installing 2.9 and Major Tom looked the same as in 5.666. More likely it's that I still need new glasses, and my eye Doctor's office is still basically shut down, as he's old and very concerned with the pandemic.

Quote're best ensuring you install it into a separate folder from your existing Winamp install so it's easier to compare & try things out between the 2 installs.
Ok, thanks!
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2022, 12:31:07 AM »
There's nothing that can be done to change that either in it's configuration or via modifying the skins.
I was afraid you would say that...

WACUP will double-size all of the classic skin window frames that it can along with the playlist editor & video windows.
Those are the primary windows I would like to double, along with the Main and EQ windows.
The whole point of WACUP is to improve on things that Winamp did whilst trying to keep the 'classic' Winamp experience alive when it's pretty clear now that 'classic' Winamp is a dead product & whatever "new" may arrive under the Winamp brand is not going to have much to do with what came before.

So with WACUP all of the primary windows will follow the double- (or as the beta testers currently have access to, triple-) sizing of the classic skin windows. If you're only wanting to use a pure Winamp install then it won't do what you want without making / modifying skins or getting someone to make a plug-in that replaces the window drawing & a slew of other things (which is what WACUP started out doing).

I've done the hard work to be able to do just what is wanted with classic skins so please excuse my exasperation at those parts of your reply that I quoted along with offering a safe means of trying out WACUP to confirm that it's going to show the skin in the manner wanted.

There's also the issue that a plain Winamp install will often be smaller than it should be when the Windows text scaling is enabled which may not be helping...
I don't think that's the case here because I tried installing 2.9 and Major Tom looked the same as in 5.666. More likely it's that I still need new glasses, and my eye Doctor's office is still basically shut down, as he's old and very concerned with the pandemic.
Any Winamp version will be affected in the same manner with the OS setting I mentioned if its enabled trying to help whether its 2.9 or 5.666 or anything older as that's what happens with such programs from the OS trying to be helpful but all it does is make Winamp smaller.


Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2022, 03:11:14 AM »
I've done the hard work to be able to do just what is wanted with classic skins so please excuse my exasperation at those parts of your reply that I quoted along with offering a safe means of trying out WACUP to confirm that it's going to show the skin in the manner wanted.
No need for exasperation... I didn't say anything about it before because I hadn't installed it yet. But it's installed now and I have to say it is very impressive. As my old Pappy used to say, Ya done good!

There was one little hiccup, but it was my doing and easy to fix. I had installed a copy of Winamp for it and when I tried to install WACUP it stalled, saying it couldn't detect my Internet connection (which was active) and it needed it to install along with WACUP. I assumed it would need it so I installed it while WACUP was downloading. But I just uninstalled it, changed the folder name to WACUP and dropped both install files into to it and fired up the WACUP installer again and it purred like a kitten.

After it finished, and I had selected Victhor's Winamp Classic Modern skin, I dropped a copy of my Axified Major Tom Remix in the skins folder and it looks absolutely fabulous!

Thank YOU, DrO!
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2022, 10:39:47 PM »
There was one little hiccup, but it was my doing and easy to fix. I had installed a copy of Winamp for it and when I tried to install WACUP it stalled, saying it couldn't detect my Internet connection (which was active) and it needed it to install along with WACUP. I assumed it would need it so I installed it while WACUP was downloading. But I just uninstalled it, changed the folder name to WACUP and dropped both install files into to it and fired up the WACUP installer again and it purred like a kitten.
The internet connection complaint is an odd bug that happens for some due to how the installer does that check which I changed back in December with the beta builds to use a different preferred way which seems to have fixed that issue from testing. A prior Winamp install isn't needed for WACUP to be installed as it'll try to get what's needed but most of the online aspect can be skipped if using the installer the error prompt should have shown. Though as you got it installed & what I've changed in general it should be far less of an issue for anyone when a new preview build eventually appears :)

After it finished, and I had selected Victhor's Winamp Classic Modern skin, I dropped a copy of my Axified Major Tom Remix in the skins folder and it looks absolutely fabulous!
You're welcome & that's good to hear it worked :)


Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2022, 08:09:55 AM »
I probably should have installed it first, and gave it a run to see what it could do and such, but to be honest, I actually didn't pick up on you being the developer of WACUP until after I had done that and I was trying to figure out what you meant when you said you had "...done the hard work..." I was sitting here half-staring at the screen because I was in pain, and half-confused because, well, I just get that way sometimes. (Specially when I'm in pain...) Then I noticed your Forum Title and I finally understood what you meant, both about that and what you said in one of the emails you sent me about how you were "progressing with WACUP." I thought to myself, "Duh... Aren't you the observant one!"  :o

Then to reinforce that idea, every question I had about WACUP was either answered by Eris Lund, or by my digging a little deeper into the forum when ever I had a question that I didn't want to ask because I figured it had probably been asked and answered a thousand times already. People who won't look for answers to their questions before they ask them used to really irritate me when I was the Admin at PC Pitstop forums back in the early 2000's.

So after playing around with the skin for most of the night the other night, I was able to get the Major Tom Remix skin fixed the way I wanted it. The only thing that was being stubborn was the background color of the scroll bars. I found out those colors come from the default Winamp skin. What the website that I found out about that and the color dots in the genex.bmp on did not mention was that you have to reboot your computer for changes to the background color of the scroll bars to take effect. No matter how I set them, they stayed dark blue (or later white) until I shut my computer down to go somewhere and when I turned my computer on again later, they were the color I had specified in the genex.bmp file dots earlier. But it's all good now. I think computers age in dog years or something... If they do, this poor old PC is 56 years old. I've had it for 7 years, but the mainboard is a year older. So maybe my computer just needed a nap?

« Last Edit: February 13, 2022, 08:12:23 AM by Axel Slingerland »
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2022, 08:48:01 PM »
Hi Axel,

Welcome to WACUP and the forum. I retired before I got tired.  :)

Dro is awesome. For 1 guy to do all he does is almost unbelievable. Other forum members (including myself) try to help with answering questions we think we know the answers to. Dro will step in, sooner than later, to correct what we get wrong and/or expand on the conversation. 

... People who won't look for answers to their questions before they ask them used to really irritate me when I was the Admin at PC Pitstop forums back in the early 2000's.

I agree with this comment in general, but sometimes answers are needed faster than searching will provide them. I used PC Pitstop a lot back in the day. I was probably one of those who irritated you from time to time. Sorry.

... I think computers age in dog years or something... If they do, this poor old PC is 56 years old. I've had it for 7 years, but the mainboard is a year older. So maybe my computer just needed a nap?

You are basically correct. My computer is older than yours and badly in need of an upgrade. For the past few beta builds, my WACUP configuration has been maxing out my cpu for a couple of seconds when changing playback between songs. This has yet to cause any serious issues, but I need to upgrade sooner than later.  :)

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Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2022, 12:59:02 PM »
I retired before I got tired.
I wish... I tried, but about a month later I was so bored I could scream. So I got a job at a Computer Renaissance store as a bench tech. That only lasted for a few months as my body reminded me of why I retired. But then boredom set in again, and that was when I went to work for Rob at the Pit. It was fun at first, but then we started getting these rejects from "Polite Society" that would act all serious and seemingly smart enough to know what they were talking about and their posts did a lot of damage to the computers of unsuspecting people who didn't know what they were doing was trying to intentionally cause problems for them, just to have fun at other people's expense. I've only been around here for a few days, but I've read enough of your posts to seriously doubt you are one of those people. Mainly because it seems you have more brain cells than would fit on a pinhead. :)

My computer is older than yours and badly in need of an upgrade.
I don't know... I seriously think it all depends on what you do with your computer. If all you do is general netsurfing, maybe watching a YT video or two here and there, then no. I would leave it as is until some part fails, then replace that part. But if you do all that, plus some playing games or doing video production and editing, etc., just about anything with high system requirements, then maybe it is time to upgrade. But I got past that "get a new PC every two years whether I need a new one or not" thing years ago.

However, I am a firm believer in "Bare Bones Upgrades" when the time does come to upgrade. Even this last time when I bought more hardware that I usually do, I still had several core items from previous rigs. The computer I'm using now that was mostly bought in 2016, has an LG monitor I bought in 2008, a Logitech wireless KB and mouse that I bought in 2010, two Western Digital Blue hard drives that I bought in 2012, and my Altec Lansing 5.1 speakers were a Christmas gift from my kids in some time in the mid 1990's. I always think why get rid of something that still works, when it can still do what you need it to do?
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2022, 02:33:31 PM »
... It was fun at first, but then we started getting these rejects from "Polite Society" that would act all serious and seemingly smart enough to know what they were talking about and their posts did a lot of damage to the computers of unsuspecting people who didn't know what they were doing was trying to intentionally cause problems for them, just to have fun at other people's expense.

I will never understand those kind of people. How would they feel if the same thing was done to them? However I believe what goes down comes around, so they will get theirs sooner or later.

.. But I got past that "get a new PC every two years whether I need a new one or not" thing years ago.

We think alike when it comes to computer upgrades. I worked as an enginner and programer, so my job required me to keep up with the current stuff at work. At home, I'm a 'do it yourself' kind of guy and only add parts as needed. I did buy my first home system (back in the eighties) as a bundle deal. It came with more programs than would fit on it's hard drive. So the first thing I did was get a larger drive and a math co-processor (to help speed up the processing of programs that would benefit from it). Since then, I research for the 'best in class' component and buy the closest I can afford. I guess I've been lucky in that I seldom have to upgrade due to hardware failure. It's usually because some program(s) I'm running could benefit from it.

I loved using that first system. But, when I think about it, my current android smart phone is at least 1000 times more powerful and can do things that first system could only dream about.

The last thing I bought for my current system is a SSD to use as my main drive. It only runs at half speed since my motherboard doesn't support SATA 600. It's funny how quickly you get used to something. When I first got it I noticed the speed increase it provides over mechanical drives. Now I want more and am thinking about upgrading my mobo (and cpu and ram with it) to support SATA 600.

I hope you enjoy using WACUP. Dro has more he needs to do, and wants to do, before it can graduate from beta/preview stage.

« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 02:41:53 PM by Aminifu »
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Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2022, 08:37:47 PM »
I will never understand those kind of people. How would they feel if the same thing was done to them? However I believe what goes down comes around, so they will get theirs sooner or later.
Indeed, neither will I. There was one guy, and I learned the futility of banning people from him, that was posting all manner of destructive garbage so we banned him. He registered again and again, 70 some odd times, but in addition to his previous antics, he took to posting warez links, to all sorts of illegal software, porn, sometimes images into posts, and all sorts of offensive comments. Everything that racist, sexist, other *istic types would love. After all that, I sat down with some friends of mine on another website, that specialized in Invision Power Board mods and we came up with a mod we named "Miserable User". We noticed that he almost always used the same 6 email domains to register emails, all of which were Russian freemail accounts (Yandex, etc.), and that the first two of four sets of numbers in his IP addresses were the same.

I didn't like to block email domains or IP addresses because of the nature of the board, and the potential to block innocent people from registering, but he forced our hand so in his case, I made an exception. Since the IP address ranges were all Russian, I put them into Miserable User. This mod didn't block users, it just "encouraged" them to go somewhere else to play. One page might work normally, where as the next ran at variable speeds between 10% to 50% of normal. And the more pages they visit, the slower things went. The general idea was that eventually they would tire of that, attribute it to server problems, Internet traffic, etc. and move on. We put in fake specific browser type error messages to help the user believe that was the case. It worked like a charm, he was gone in a week or two.

But later we found out from another forum owner that he had been visiting his forum, and had been doing the same things and one of the people on his board was a Police officer, who specialized in cyber crime. Some of the images he had posted were of teenagers engaged in sex, so he tracked the guy down through his work computer and found him in Wisconsin, and contacted the local Police there and had him arrested for posting child porn images on a public forum. So he got what he deserved... And we all cheered at that news.  ;D

We think alike when it comes to computer upgrades. ... I did buy my first home system (back in the eighties) as a bundle deal.

Mine was a rent to own deal. If I had paid it off, it would have been over $2,500. I was working at Lake Powell, at the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area in Arizona and Utah and it was supposedly a temporary rental. But as luck would have it, I got to be pretty good friends with the store owner and he let me take to PC to another marina on the lake, because he had only rented a few times and I paid my rent every month in advance and took good care of the PC. Later when the winter season was over and I returned to Page, Arizona, he made me a better offer to work for him so I took the job. Included in his offer was a new (well, a different one anyway) PC to replace the one I had, and previous payments had paid for it, he said. It actually had cost me about $1,200.

Since then, I research for the 'best in class' component and buy the closest I can afford. I guess I've been lucky in that I seldom have to upgrade due to hardware failure. It's usually because some program(s) I'm running could benefit from it.
The least amount of time I have had a PC was 2 years, the longest was 12.

I loved using that first system. But, when I think about it, my current android smart phone is at least 1000 times more powerful and can do things that first system could only dream about.
The pocket calculator I have now is probably faster than that first PC I had. It was a 286/4Mhz... And I bet as an engineer, you know that the first PC CPU's were based on extended versions of calculator CPU's. :)

It's funny how quickly you get used to something.
Indeed... Back in my band days a friend of mine had a really sweet 1981 Aria Pro II guitar that was made with Claro Walnut and Hard Rock Maple that had a neck through the body design (it was all one piece of laminated maple with two strips of claro walnut, which gives a much warmer tone) that was a guitar that was way out of my price range. His wife got arrested for DUI and he wanted money to bail her out, so he "pawned" the guitar to me for $500, with a contract that if he didn't pay me back in six months the guitar was mine. He never paid me, so I got to keep it.

I loved that guitar, it was a much higher quality of guitar that I had ever had, out shinning Les Pauls and Strats by a long shot. I played it for about 6 years. And then it was stolen. I don't have any photos of it as they were also stolen, but this one is the same model, but made with regular walnut. On mine the claro walnut is much darker, and the front and back were both two piece bookmark style, cut from the same block of wood... It was an absolute beauty.

So I went back to my old Stratocaster and even though it was much older and a sweet guitar in it's own right, it just wasn't the same. A few years later, after I moved to northern California, I found my Aria in a local guitar shop, on sale for $4,000. I knew it was mine because there were these three little dents in the finish by the controls where my two year old son had dropped my car keys on it. (Lesson learned, never leave the case open when children are nearby!) IF I had filed a police report when it was stolen, with the serial number of the guitar and all that, I might have been able to get it back. But I didn't. We filed a report for our equipment truck and contents, with descriptions of what was in it, as that was all that was required for our insurance company. But I didn't know the serial number of the guitar as I never thought to write it down anywhere. Plus, since I had collected insurance for it already, the local police said I did not have a case to claim the guitar. At least the store owner was nice enough to pull it off the rack until I talked to the police, he did not have to do that. But I did not have $4,000 so... :(

I hope you enjoy using WACUP. Dro has more he needs to do, and wants to do, before it can graduate from beta/preview stage.
I'm quite happy with WACUP, and Dro's previous Winamp add-on, the Album Art window. And I like this forum too. Lots of good information on here... :)

For my purposes, the only thing I would like to see changed is when I open a playlist, the Playlist Editor window moves. And that is most likely already fixed if I had to guess about it... It's also barely worth mentioning too, since all you ha to do is move it back where it was.
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2022, 03:47:16 AM »

For my purposes, the only thing I would like to see changed is when I open a playlist, the Playlist Editor window moves. And that is most likely already fixed if I had to guess about it... It's also barely worth mentioning too, since all you ha to do is move it back where it was.

I assume you're talking about the window moving when clicking on it with your mouse. I've not seen it move on it's own when changing the listed playlist. I'm not as steady using my mouse as I once was, so I sometimes activate a click & drag movement when I don't mean too. To help prevent this, I'm learning the keyboard shortcuts for things I do often.

WACUP (like Winamp) is loaded with context menus. Right-click on anything and everything, and a context menu is likely to pop up. These menus list the keyboard shortcut next to the commands that have them.

You can also create custom shortcuts if you have enabled the Global Hotkeys (gen_hotkeys.dll) plug-in. If you did a full install then go to the Preferences - Plug-ins - General Purpose tab to enable this plug-in. If it is not there then run the installer again to add it. Once Global Hotkeys is enabled then go to the Preferences - General - Global Hotkeys tab to view the current shortcuts, modify them, and/or create new ones. You may need to restart WACUP for this tab to appear, I don't remember if this is necessary or not.

I think I read somewhere that dro was thinking about adding an option to lock down the selected classic skin windows arrangement to prevent accidental movement of classic skin window locations. Since all classic skins use the same windows arrangement this should be relatively simple to implement. I mostly use modern skins, but that would be a welcome option for older users of classic skins.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 03:58:30 AM by Aminifu »
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Axel Slingerland

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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2022, 06:07:26 AM »
I assume you're talking about the window moving when clicking on it with your mouse. I've not seen it move on it's own when changing the listed playlist.
No, it moves when I open a new playlist...

But it's more of an annoyance than anything. It's just a simple matter of moving it back where it belongs, which only takes one click and one second, so it isn't a really big deal. It just that it does that every time I want to open a new playlist that makes it annoying. I also thought if it isn't just something about my computer (which is always a possibility, I had this PC for two years before I realized that I had somehow turned off Windows Updates) and it happens to everyone, but nobody ever mentioned it and dro doesn't know about it he might want to fix it. If he happens to be a Capricorny perfectionist like I am...

On the other hand, he may have already fixed it in a later build. I'm running the preview build and I assume there have been beta builds since that was released.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 06:15:34 AM by Axel Slingerland »
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Re: Editing a Winamp Skin so that all Windows are Double Sized
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2022, 07:32:44 AM »
Ok, I understand now.

As a beta tester, I try to keep up with posted issues for the betas and skim those posted for the current preview. I have not read about this issue, but I could have missed it.

I had an issue when first opening a classic skin media library window in a new session. It would open partly off screen in the top left hand corner. After dragging it back, it would keep it's placement when closing and re-opening during the session. That was fixed a few betas ago. The reason for your issue may be similar to what was causing that one.

The current preview will soon be a year old and dro regrets that a new one hasn't been released. Expected release dates are not announced, but I expect a new one in the next 2 to 3 months. So far, the longest interval between betas has been 6 months. Several things reported in the current preview have been fixed or improved in the current beta. Unfortunately, new beta testers are currently not being accepted because too many selfish a__holes or deliberate trouble makers have abused the privilege, forcing dro to waste time dealing with nonsense.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 07:44:42 AM by Aminifu »
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