Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Updating openmpt input files into WACUP?
« on: July 16, 2021, 02:43:45 AM »
If you really need to use the newer openmpt build, disable the in_mod plug-in by un-checking it via the input plug-in preferences page & accept that some aspects are not going to work like they did. The onus is then on you to either to remember to change it back when a newer WACUP build is provided or to keep manually updating the openmpt build of the plug-in.

Well, I just wanted some improvements over the older version. I won't bother since it will lose some aspects. :)

General Discussion / Re: Updating openmpt input files into WACUP?
« on: July 16, 2021, 02:21:29 AM »
You can't easily see what input plug-in is going to be used when there's multiple plug-ins trying to claim a file type (what aminifu has noted whilst I'd started to reply sort of helps but there's no conflict reporting nor does it show the actual query order of the plug-ins).

The way that things currently work means the first plug-in queried that reports it wants a file type will be the one that gets to handle & that's biased towards the WACUP plug-ins since they're loaded before any 3rd party plug-ins get loaded i.e. WACUP's in_mod will be loaded before the openmpt provided in_openmpt.

The preview build hasn't been updated since March which is why it's on an older revision of libopenmpt - it's been thrown about maybe allowing for inter-build updates for some of the plug-ins but that's not been thought about for a while. It's now going to be at some point in August at the earliest that a newer preview build is going to be offered which will have the latest libopenmpt update included when that occurs (the current beta is already using 0.5.9 with the next one to use 0.5.10 as I'd not seen they released the newer version until just after I'd done a new beta build on the same day).

Darn it. :(

General Discussion / Re: Updating openmpt input files into WACUP?
« on: July 16, 2021, 02:20:16 AM »
Open the WACUP Preferences and scroll down to the Advanced section (bottom on the left) and select the Diagnostics group. Then select the File Associations tab in the Diagnostics group. This tab should list most of the file types associated with the active (checked) input plug-ins. Some input plug-ins do not directly report the file types they handle. However the ones you're interested in should be listed.
OpenMPT Module Decoder v0.5.5.4 [in_mod.dll] show them.

General Discussion / Re: Updating openmpt input files into WACUP?
« on: July 16, 2021, 12:38:40 AM »
It's as safe as installing any plug-in but with how the input plug-ins are checked for what to use to play things then it's unlikely it'd actually be used over the WACUP provided plug-in without disabling that one first.

Wait. How do I know what plugin is used to play MOD, XM, IT, S3M, 669, etc.? I see the default OpenMPT Module Decoder v0.5.5.4 is checked. FYI. This is an over month old WACUP installation on my eight weeks old new 64-bit W10 Pro PC. So, it should be mostly defaults.

General Discussion / Updating openmpt input files into WACUP?
« on: July 15, 2021, 10:36:39 PM »
Is it safe to use the updated, from, in WACUP? Or do I need to wait for the official WACUP release?

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

Every build I've released has bugs. It's just not helpful for me for the new / changed aspects to add you on the build as-is when a newer one is already in the works & yes 5770 has one key issue where running it on an older CPU could prevent it from starting which based on things so far, you'd probably end up experiencing.

Ah, yes. I do have a couple over decade old PCs. :( I'll wait. It's a minor comestic issue so no big deal. I'm going offline for a little bit so I will chat with you later. Thanks as usual. :)

I'll add you with the next beta build once I've fixed a few other issues with the 5770 build (not ATF related).

OK and thanks. I guess the current beta is buggy enough. ;)

+1 on this. I had also noticed the full path showing on adding folders (vs 5.666) . I dont need to use ATF for my use case and was forced to do so which was adding unnecessary processing.

I guess this change will be effective with next release right?

Edit : just saw yesterday's new release. Will test.

 Thx DrO
Was it fixed in the beta? If so, then I would like to try it if it is stable enough since I already have a forum account ( and found this bug.

How & what exactly are you adding the files into the main playlist ? i.e. is it the folder item in explorer or a playlist or the specific files, etc.

Drag and drop from Windows Explorer.  Many folders and files from my D:\Medias\audio\music\.

Yes, this is from adding NEW audio files to a new/an empty playlist.

DrO: OK and thanks. Hopefully, it will be in the next version. ;)

I only let WACUP "read metadata only when file(s) are played" since I have way too many songs on my decade old 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC's SATA 7200 RPM HDD. for a screen shot/capture of it in action.

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering. :)

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