Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 only)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - zackbuffo

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Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: shared library accross computers
« on: November 24, 2021, 04:56:29 PM »
Ah, I see. The queries for the smart views do not have their own files, but are all stored in the gen_ml.ini. Thanks for the hint.

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Managing Smart Views
« on: November 24, 2021, 04:33:11 PM »
@dro Ffrom your sketch I wasn't able to distnguish between "folder nodes" and actual views. To make it a bit more explicit what's in my mind:
+ 1980 [Folder node]
   - 1980s [View]
   - 1980 [View]
   - 1981 [View]
   - 1982 [View]
   - [...]
+ 1990 [Folder node]
   - 1990s [View]
   - 1990 [View]
   - 1991 [View]
   - 1992 [View]
   - [...]
To my expectation these folder nodes would be colapsable to actually save some space there.

@Aminifu I think setting a node limit is not necessary (at least concerning my concept of this feature request), because you would only create the amount of nodes that suits your needs. And if it's too much you would reorganize the thing (as you mentioned yourself). But another thing made me curious, what are these sub-views you're talking about? I've never heard of that. Maybe that's what I need for organizing my views and it's already there. How can I create a sub-view?

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: shared library accross computers
« on: November 23, 2021, 01:12:13 PM »
the files defining the smart views
Sorry to hijack this thread for a short question: Can you provide the default path to these files?

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Managing Smart Views
« on: November 23, 2021, 12:58:15 PM »
I want to bring up this feature-request again.

Before reading this, my feature vision was rather a folder-like approach to organize smart views. This would additionally provide a defined expectation on behavior (e.g. for empty folders). To me these folders should simply just hold the views. Nothing about cumulating the included smart views or something else.
It would be a huge improvement, if you work with lots of smart views. Among a few others I have a smart view for each year and each decade starting at around 1960. Currently it's not that handy to jump around between playlists and views.

Resolved Issues / Re: High Processor Load
« on: June 24, 2020, 06:40:48 PM »
Finally here's the desired Wacup Info Report.

Btw. it doesn't make a difference in processor load if I'm running WACUP minimized or in foreground. It's some good 20% with Big Bento Modern.

Resolved Issues / Re: High Processor Load
« on: June 17, 2020, 03:05:56 PM »
Will do. Just didn't find the time to push the button yet.

Btw these reported percentages are observed while Winamp/WACUP was displayed in the foreground. Figures seem to be slightly lower, if the player is minimized (as I noticed just now with a Winamp 5.666 installation on my office machine). I will also check those on my music machine at home later today (and push the button...).

I just learned about different ML Plugins in the "Rescan Library" thread and found out, that the initial ML plugin does also deliver this capability. Thanks again, DrO.

But there is another question in the context of this capability:
I just recently discovered WACUP's "Play Random Album" feature, which I like very much. How would a double-album be enqueued, if "Play Random Album" hits one? Just sorted by title in alphabetical order or do you get the correct song order given by the album's title- and disk number tags? You might have guessed it, I would strongly prefer the latter...

Resolved Issues / Re: Rescan Library
« on: June 15, 2020, 07:03:39 PM »
Thanks DrO, that did the trick. I thought a new ML plugin must be better, no matter what...

Resolved Issues / Re: High Processor Load
« on: June 15, 2020, 03:34:51 PM »
DrO, I forgot to ask:
What information about the WACUP setup would you need to investigate this a bit (in case you're intersted to do so)? Is there some button to get any kind of a setup log or something similar?

Resolved Issues / Re: High Processor Load
« on: June 15, 2020, 03:25:23 PM »
@Gordon Freeman:
It's a Intel Core i3-6100U with 8GB RAM (also see my first post) having a Win10 on an SSD. My library contains around 22k Songs. Btw. the figures mentioned in my first post are all observed with Big Bento's beat visualisation and spectrum analyzer off.

I would assume, that the three points you mentioned rather produce peaks than a constant load (correct me if I'm wrong). I was talking about the latter and not about getting high load while doing "something". Even though I didn't care about deactivating any of the out-of-the-box plugins so far, my expectation was, that there is nothing too fancy going on in the background as long as I just play some songs from the (22k songs) playlist and nothing else.

Interestingly when I was discussing and investigating the processor load with Victhor using his Komodo X skin for the first time (on the described machine), taking away the spectrum analyzer items from the skin (there where initially two implemented) improved the situation (using Winamp). From my perspective there are two players in the story: the skins do have impact on it, but Winamp/Wacup as well - even without doing some "special" things.

To sum this up (and maybe repeating myself), this is rather a reminder to have an eye on performance. Nothing serious so far, but there are things going on with different skins and comparing Winamp and Wacup.

Resolved Issues / Re: High Processor Load
« on: June 15, 2020, 09:24:26 AM »
Aminifu, you're generally right. It's nothing to drop dead about, as long as the system is still responsive. But on the other hand the differences in processor load can be considered quite huge, if it ranges from close to zero up to one quarter or even one third of the whole system's capacity. So this post could be seen as a reminder to straighten these things out a bit during further development.

Resolved Issues / High Processor Load
« on: June 14, 2020, 02:08:36 PM »
My music machine, which usually only runs Wacup (or Winamp), is equipped with an Intel Core i3-6100U and 8GB RAM. Wacup produces a significantly high processor load (~26%) running with the Big Bento or the Big Bento Modern skin. In comparison to that, the old Winamp 5.666 with Big Bento just goes up to ~1-2% on the same machine and up to ~11% with Big Bento Modern.

Generally Wacup shouldn't use the processor that excessive, as I see it on my machine - even though it might not be the strongest hardware setup around. Maybe there are some performance tweaks that could be implemented.

My additional conclusion is, that also skins themselves can be responsible for some higher or lower processor load. I was discussing this with Victhor before, having similar performance issues on my machine with his Komodo X Touchscreen skin.

I just recently came accross the issue that in the library it's impossible to sort one fully tagged double-album in its correct song AND disk order at once. Currently it's just an either or, which is not ideal. Wacup should become smart enough to handle this as a music player and music library manager.

What I would expect is the option to sort like the following:
Song 1 - Disc 1
Song 2 - Disc 1
Song 3 - Disc 1
[all Songs] - Disc 1
Song 1 - Disc 2
Song 2 - Disc 2
Song 3 - Disc 2
[all Songs] - Disc 2

Resolved Issues / Rescan Library
« on: June 14, 2020, 01:26:10 PM »
There's a good chance, that I missed something, but I can't find the option to rescan the library in the WACUP preferences (v1.0.12.5586). Is this removed for some reason or is it still there somewhere?

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Album Shuffle
« on: May 13, 2020, 03:03:28 PM »
Hope you didn't get me wrong, I do appreciate your suggestion. I just wanted to express my patience, that I'm willing to wait for something "more integrated". Besides that (and without trying) the separator-stuff sounded a bit too hand-crafted for my taste to achieve the goal. That's why and because I managed to listen to music without album shuffle for some ten years now, I'd prefer a decent built-in solution. Imploringly hoping that it will land in WACUP some day... ;)

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