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Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

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Author Topic: Manual Playlist Advance button bug/annoyance  (Read 1075 times)


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Manual Playlist Advance button bug/annoyance
« on: June 26, 2024, 03:53:56 PM »

Recently, I have switched to WACUP after years of using Winamp. I had been using WACUP as I usually would Winamp, which includes sometimes looping specific tracks - but recently I noticed that the Manual Playlist Advance button has begun overlaying itself on all skins, with no way to get rid of it. This wasn't an issue for me when using the original Winamp, and it wasn't an issue with WACUP either until today.
I have been looking left and right in WACUP's preferences to try and find some way to disable this, but to no avail. No option to at least swap the "Repeat: Playlist" function for a "Repeat: Track" instead, which on paper makes more sense as your player jumps to the next track in the playlist anyways, and the only thing you'd have to do is occasionally scroll to the top and play the first track. And that is unlike the lack of a "Repeat: Track" option (at least, to me it feels like it's missing because any attempt to use it completely ruins the aesthetic of my skin of choice), where you'd have to click the song again every few minutes, or even get rid of the entire playlist you have at the moment, and then manually search for songs you want to play in your File Explorer (because I've always found ML to be an annoying eyesore)
WACUP is on the left and Winamp is on the right:
Is this intentional? Will there be a way to disable this button appearing, like how it was in the original Winamp? Will there be a way to repeat track without making it 3-mode and thus making all existing classic skins incompatible? With every skin aside from the classic, this button is an absolute eyesore.



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Re: Manual Playlist Advance button bug/annoyance
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2024, 04:11:37 PM »
The part is showing as the skin being used (as is the case for most classic skins) doesn't have the additional element that my old repeater plug-in (which got merged into the wacup core) used to allow for making classic skins offer what modern skins were doing with the repeat modes where it was often not visually obvious what the repeat mode was when manual advance was also enabled. So in that respect yes it's intended when the combination of repeat vs manual advance is in the appropriate mode.

The behaviour of repeat isn't different to what Winamp was offering & it's just my changes to have it try to offer a visual element that differs so for that no there won't be any changes vs 3-mode repeat handling. It's also not too hard to if needed make the newer image element if it's a skin you're going to be using all of the time (can do that if needed with a copy / link to the skin being used).

Right-clicking the buttons on the window can be used to get to other actions as well as being able to change them as is the case with the repeat button but as you're wanting it to repeat the track (i.e. manual advance on) then if I've read things correctly you've got things in the correct mode & it's just the lack of skin support that's the problem for the visual difference vs winamp (which should've had that support & is why I made a plug-in in the mid-2000s to do it but it never gained much traction hence the problem now with that being also part of wacup & most classic skins long since having had updates on them ceased).



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Re: Manual Playlist Advance button bug/annoyance
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2024, 05:38:05 PM »
I have no idea how to edit skins personally, never tried to do so, but I won't bug anyone else to do it for me, guess that's just something I'll have to figure out on my own


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Re: Manual Playlist Advance button bug/annoyance
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2024, 05:51:24 PM »
Which is why I'm offering to do it if it's just the one skin that you're always using. Not that it's hard, it's edit a bitmap file & add it into the existing skin zip file.
