geeez, been using wacup since you put it out there and never a crash. wtf are people doing w/this app ?!?!?!?!?!
It's quite easy depending on what's being done. Modern skins definitely are more likely to experience an issue due to bugs in the plug-in responsible. There's then behaviours that block the main ui thread & trigger the unresponsive handling (some of which has been resolved e.g. drag+drop a massive folder onto the main playlist used to do that).
There's also issues from some of the other 5.666 plug-ins that are still being used like the local media library plug-in (ml_local) which does weird things at times with it's importing or in_mp3 & it's metadata handling & so on. There's then anything I've introduced with writing new code like 7170 would lock-up when adding files from the browse folder & a title update was also requested which never appeared from beta testers but showed up under the preview build once you have more people using things.
Most I don't think ever have an actual crash issue but if I ignore such things then we end up with what was leveraged against Winamp proper for many years of it being buggy / unstable which was completely true until more focus was put on resolving such things around 5.64 - 5.66x when those public builds also included the beta builds crash reporter (something that should have been a priority much soon).
So be happy you're not having issues & be happy that for those who do & for whom I can understand from the crash report what's going on that I take dealing with crash reports as a higher priority to try to give a good experience as no one likes things crashing & sadly there's still more for me to do to improve things which will come as more gets replaced (ignoring the dips when new code comes in at times).