Happy new year to all the Musiclovers out there and may 2022 bring us a working cue player, since 2021 is the Library year

(yes, one feature each year is all we need)
I just tried to close Wacup, apparently when the disk containing the files in my playlist was asleep. The main window and the playlist closed, but the album-art window stayed open. I shut down all Wacup processes in task manager, and ever since reopening Wacup results in only the album-art window opening.
By pressing Alt-F while the album art is in focus, the main menu appears, but toggling on-off the shortcuts Alt-W and Alt-E has no effect. Neither Alt-G works. However, Alt-Y (EQ), Bigclock and Alt-L work.
To reiterate, after properly closing Wacup, and running it again, it displays only the album art window with no apparent way to make the other windows appear. Dragging a file on the Wacup shortcut results in normal playback, so it seems all other parts of it are working properly.
Running latest portable 6840 and using only the 3 windows of it (main, playlist, albumart) since Winamp v0.0.1beta
Is there perhaps any other non-documented shortcut to forcibly open all windows? or any procedure for a reset-to-default-conditions (clean start)?
I opted to report rather than delete, reinstall and forgetabouddit, because that's what a good tester does. So I'll be waiting indefinitely for any ideas. That's the beauty of portable installs, you just make another one in a different folder and leave the problematic one intact for troubleshooting purposes