Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs) | Latest WACUP public preview is build #19100 (May 10th 2024) (x86 only)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - dro

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It's likely how I'm mapping the skin file / folder to a menu item index
It was that but not quite as I first thought. The problem is that it's adding invalid items (e.g. empty folders or non-skin files) into the internal list which shouldn't have been happening & when there's mostly no other skins than the default skins it ends up using the wrong entry due to it finding them before the default skins when the a/b naming aspect is involved.

The alphabetical order is somewhat involved but the default skins per the skin manager prefs page also note those are excluded from the default alphabetical sorting & with the invalid item in that list it skews the mappings & so the wrong skin gets used.

tl;dr: needed to move 1 line of code to after some skin validation checks were done.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: Genre Tag Issue
« on: May 06, 2024, 10:25:05 AM »
It's most likely down to how the find in the dropdown is done which can be either be an exact match or a first part that matches approach (this being what I assume is happening until I check things out).


I'd completely missed the port 80 in the urls. For http, port 80 is typically assumed if not specified whereas for https it's 443. So removing the :80 or changing https to http has the same effect to 'fix' things in that it's allowing the wanted default connection behaviour to work.

So trying to do an https assumed connection against the typical http port would mean there's a connection being established but in_mp3 doesn't know how to cope with the data its getting back since it's very likely expecting an encrypted stream but since it's an http connection it just keeps going until it &/or the connection times out hence the "Error Syncing to Stream" message.

That'd be why the old preview worked as the 'https://blah:80" was force changed to 'http://blah:80" which would work. Streams on other ports don't necessarily seem to be hitting these base http vs https assumptions (not sure if that's within in_mp3 or the networking service it uses which I've got some control over) & is something I can look into improving.

The other aspects need a whole new input plug-in (not only for mp3 / aac streaming but all of WACUP's streaming support overall) & is something I'll keep in mind for when that work is begun as I don't want to do more against the networking service in_mp3 is using as I really don't plan on keeping it around when my replacement is done.


The problem is that whatever provided you with https urls for the streams shouldn't have done that (if it was from shoutcast then that's one more complaint to leverage against them) & it should've only given you http urls as that's only what the provided streams are using.

It worked in the old WACUP preview because I was having to force https -> http to avoid issues with the re-used plug-in that handles such streaming & that masked the playback problem but it then broke legitimate https playback. In hindsight I should never have done that action.

The current build allows both https & http to work but it's now "broken" things for you because it's honouring what the url type is & as those don't support https (again those provided urls should never have been https ones from whatever service was providing them) then until I make my own plug-in for streaming which might attempt to re-try failed https as http it requires you to 'fix' the urls which'll work on both builds.


The older preview builds are still referenced on the site by following the prior / last preview build link from near the top of the initial text on the site's main preview build page.

I've tried to play all of the links in the example playlist & as-is none of them are working for me either in the current preview or the very old one (which ended up hanging whilst trying to do anything but that might be to do with whatever I'd last done to that test install a few years ago) nor in other players / browsers.

However the problem seems to be because the old preview build would try to force streams to use http:// when https:// was found as that's what was needed to allow the re-used in_mp3 plug-in dll from 5.666 to be more likely to play things.

The newer build has long since resolved that problem & that re-used in_mp3 is now able to try to play the stream urls as-is which is a problem here because what you've provided doesn't respond on the https:// urls from the server side (ideally there should be an attempt to drop back to http but the connection is also taking an age to timeout it seems).

If you edit the stream urls to use http:// then just the sc1 & sc2 server urls don't seem to be responding from my testing.


It's likely how I'm mapping the skin file / folder to a menu item index & based on the video it seems to be counting the empty folder which depending on how the drive returns the order of files (normally alphabetically with ntfs) would then place an a / b named folder before the bento skin items which if it's what I'm thinking would cause it to act as is shown (i.e. it's selecting the 'hidden' empty skin & reverts to the default skin instead of skipping that folder & using what was set for the menu string).


When the beta & the preview are the same build then it's fine.

As for the prefs issue, I had a todo note in the code since it wasn't something I'd yet implemented when dropping legacy mode & should've had the button be disabled. As that prefs page used to heavily manipulate what the winamp core was providing & when all of that got dropped I'd just not gotten around to implementing it since I'd not had to when the winamp core was able to handle the action for me. Is now sorted for the next build.


I can confirm that clicking the "Set skins directory..." button does nothing.
Have added it to the todo list though I've not checked why it's not reacting like it should.

As for darkhell's reply, I'd need confirmation whether it's happening with 18980 or not as I can't get that failure to occur & only can with the older 18916 build which was the one out when this thread was started.


I've quickly tried with that copy along with the selection of different ones I seem to have collected (most of them seem to be the MMD3-4-5 variant of the skin) & it all seems to be behaving correctly. Are you using Win11 by any chance?

In all honesty I'm not sure why the menus / text are getting screwed up for you as it's acting like it's not seeing there's any text to draw which shouldn't be happening. As I'm writing this, it's reminding me of some weird things I've seen reported with gaming anti-cheat software or when I had the skinned menus enabled for WINE setups (which is hard-coded to not be enabled under that use case for now).

Something to try is going to Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> un-check the use skinned menus option & see if that makes a difference (am not expecting it since the listview contents are also screwed up). If it does, then try re-enabling & using the custom menu font option to see if that still misbehaves or not.

To cover something else mentioned, WACUP doesn't setup any file associations in it's preview state (is noted during the install process) which is why WAL needed to be manually associated.


Preview Build Discussion / Re: No Font with MMD3 skin in latest build
« on: April 30, 2024, 07:42:46 PM »
Can you provide a copy of the MMD3 skin that you're using please. As there's so many different copies of that skin out there it could be something specific to one revision especially as MMD3 is one of the ones I often use to double-check that gen_ff under wacup is behaving.


It already has native scrobbling support (preferences -> playback -> scrobbler) with it also able to update the now playing part on the site though I never looked at the love support so am not sure if that'd fit in with how I'm doing things or not or whether it's something their api provides access to doing.


Skins / Re: Convert / Update old skin?
« on: April 24, 2024, 12:04:28 AM »
The skin is working correctly for one from 1999 which pre-dates the classic skin additions that Winamp 2.9x introduced in 2003.

If you get a copy of the Skinner's Atlas then the gen.bmp & genex.bmp from it are the files that would need to be added into the old skin along with reading the txt file in the wsz (it's just a zip file so there's nothing special about it) or there's an online copy at to read through.

There should be enough from the old skin to be able cobble something together to create those 2 files & then you can add them into the existing zip file or leave it as a pre-extracted folder within the Skins folder.


There'll be a fixed build in the day or so. The problem has existed for a couple of years in my code & despite it not having been changed for the new build (haven't gone back & checked other recent beta builds) it seems to be manifesting in a more consistent manner if going to the base skin is involved as part of the chain of switching attempts.


Have now replicated the issue & am looking into what might be going on.


I've had another user report this earlier today despite it not having been mentioned with any of the betas from the prior few month's so I'm not sure why it'd now be messing up other than it's somewhat the nature of trying to re-use the modern skin plug-in gen_ff dll from 5.666 & something yet unknown to me isn't working right.

Compared to the old preview they are for the most part 2 different implementations now & gen_ff was never really meat to be able to work outside of a native winamp implementation as WACUP is now doing.

All I can suggest for now is to try running wacup using wacup.exe /procdump to see if there might be a weird crash happening (something that gen_ff can randomly do) & it could be that's happening & measures to try to avoid a full crash are actually working at the expense of a weird non-skin changing experience.


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