Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - dro

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Go to Preferences -> Media Library -> Local Library -> View Filters tab -> turn off the option for 'Use Album Artist when grouping the Album & Album Art filter results' & see if that helps or not. Really you need to have the same albumartist set to avoid ambiguity though changing that prefs option will try a slightly different mode which might work better when its missing / incomplete & makes more use of the location of the files as a different way to determine what is an 'album'.

For the crash, try changing the output plug-in to notsoyasapi (preferences -> plug-ins -> output -> change the one in the dropdown). Though the crash report is incomplete so it could be any number of things going on but as there was a mention of dsound in the summary log that was collected that's the only thing I can suggest unless you run wacup via its procdump mode (either manually running wacup.exe /procdump from the command-line or via preferences -> advanced -> error reporting -> bottom section of that prefs page).

Ogg+Vorbis, Ogg+Flac, Opus have been on my todo list for some time but I just haven't had the active interest to implement them.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Album art in Discord rich presence
« on: Yesterday at 04:46:02 PM »
If the ini entry isn't there then that will be due to the plug-in handling things not deeming there to have been a connection issue. Based on a few other reports of issues & it possibly being DNS related, I'm going to try something out for the next build to try to minimise the issue being on my side - it still won't help if the issue is potentially on the discord side & maybe my trying to upload the image vs when the discord client then tries to process things is somehow wrong (not sure how it'd be that as I wait to do the discord rpc call until the upload completes).

re: crashing, what build & type (x86 or x64) are you using? It'll probably be easier to message me a copy of the last crash report (assuming one was able to be self-generated by WACUP) which should be accessible via the link on preferences -> advanced -> error reporting.

I have been using the Streaming Source for a bit here and it is seemingly working very well. There is an oversight that is missing, in the directory there is no option for "description" which at least in Icecast is a standard in it's metadata. It just outputs "Unspecified description" to the server.
I wasn't aware of this & my intent when I added Icecast source support was to just mirror what matched up with the SHOUTcast handling. It seems I'd need to provide a "ice-description" header value when the connection is being able to achieve what's being asked for.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Album art in Discord rich presence
« on: February 08, 2025, 06:11:30 PM »
It's been reported via discord but I don't remember it being mentioned on the forum so wouldn't be you not being able to use the search (plus there's things it doesn't find if they were done against the non-public beta sections). For the moment all I can suggest opening the winamp.ini from the WACUP settings folder (preferences -> advanced -> diagnostics -> settings locations will give you the folder for your setup) & then seeing if there's a 'discord_response' line in there (or not).

If there is then I'd need to know what it's indicating in the failed state though it could be anything from the image upload timing out to it not being accepted by discord itself (if it got uploaded) or something else that I've yet to replicate (hence that ini entry trying to log things when there are uploading related issues).

General Discussion / Re: Thinger oddness
« on: February 06, 2025, 06:17:06 PM »
It's not been mentioned with what I've got noted & just re-checking if I'd missed any reports.

The main issue is due to some of the initial loading logic for the window being inverted which is then breaking the closing handling so that should now be fixed for the next build though it might require another round of toggling & a restart to get it into a properly known state.

The close button is also fixed as the buttons were stealing the focus & not forwarding on the window close message as expected which for me appeared as needing to click on the button twice to get it to then start seeing the close action (shows how much I've got that plug-in & it's window open in my test installs).

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Some cool functions
« on: January 31, 2025, 03:47:35 PM »
Synchronised lyrics support has been on my todo list for some time but I've no eta on when I'll consider trying to implement support for them.

Preferences -> Playback -> System Keep-Alive is the preference option you're looking for. It's on by default as I've no way to know if something is a laptop or a desktop & so have to err on the side of caution with it being enabled by default.

General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« on: January 07, 2025, 04:31:25 PM »
I refreshed the metadata for all items and everything still looks fine.
That's good to know.

I remembered one thing, after I did the import legacy via WACUP the original db files in the Winamp folder was overwritten with an empty one. A backup of the files was created (I made my own anyway) but it was still a disturbing experience. ;D
That's not meant to be happening & is related to the problem I found yesterday which stems from changes I'd made for my primary db file handling a while back but I missed by not fully re-testing for legacy db imports in missing that it was converting them to the newer format when that was never the intent of that mode. It should be fully resolved when the next build is ready to go up with them treated as a read-only action to avoid modification.

General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« on: January 06, 2025, 06:57:22 PM »
Have replied to your pm with hopefully complete db files for you to work with.

For you setup the location of the files wasn't an issue but part of my testing had me trying to use a read-only folder & that was helping to show part of the problem since it prevented the conversion of the existing db files to the newer nde based format that I use before being processed for the import action. However the import shouldn't have been attempting to mess with the files & not doing that resolves the incomplete / full failures that I'd been able to replicate as part of the import plus it also makes the importing to be somewhat quicker.

General Discussion / Re: album art overview
« on: January 06, 2025, 04:11:49 PM »
The alternating row aspect isn't implemented because as I went with a more Explorer like approach that ends up looking odder like a chequerboard since there can be multiple on a line unlike what winamp's local library plug-in was doing. What's right I still don't know & tbh it was a pain in the whatnot to get something working that didn't suck on the performance vs OS support which I was generally happy with as a first usable form. I also don't necessarily just want to mimic what winamp's offering of things did as some aspects I never liked when I was a dev / user of it but I get that from a user view point if the outer parts are all winamp-like then there's an expectation for the insides to also be the same or more similar. I'll have a think about it all for when I get back around to doing more on the local library view modes.

General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« on: January 06, 2025, 04:07:21 PM »
I've been able to get it to import it with what appears to be the expected total number of records (14860) along with the view specific numbers you've noted. However there's something odd going on with the import action depending on where the files are being accessed from which I'm trying to figure out at the moment which seems to be the likely explanation of why things didn't seem to import correctly.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Issues opening multiple files?
« on: January 06, 2025, 01:27:10 PM »
I already have it set to disallow multiple instances from the settings by the way, so I take it it has to be a bug of some kind.
I'm on the latest public preview build as of this post, is this being looked into on betas? Or has there been attention brought to the issue already, at least?
It's come up a few times though I don't know how common of an issue it might be as I often seem to not get direct reports about issues (aka having to trawl through social media posts) so thank you for taking the time to report it.

If multiple instances are being launched then my first hunch is it might be due to a permissions issue or a form of process isolation which would then prevent the handling that's run on loading to try to find existing wacup instances to fail as that's how that stuff generally behaves afaict. It however doesn't seem to account for how you've described things as seemingly starting all of those instances at the same time instead of it being a gradual cascade from the first to last instance.

My other hunch especially with what you've described about files missing when it is already running could even be due to the processes that have been spawned potentially failing / silent crashing. This might be more likely & from feedback from one tester with the current beta vs issues seen with the preview build seemed to resolve what was a slow / laggy response to start & iirc that was sometimes causing other instances to begin due to the timeout that's in place to deal with hung / failed processes timing out.

One thing you could try out is seeing in Task Manager's details view & sorting by exe name if any werfault instances (windows error reporting handling) are appearing at around the same time as you're triggering trying to get the files into WACUP.

I also could do with knowing what skin you're using & if you're using a modern style skin another thing is to try using a classic skin just to see if the reduced loading overhead of those skins makes any difference or not (I suspect it likely won't & is something else going on).

Final thought for now is if you've got the local library enabled & if so roughly how many items are in it. As going to preferences -> media library & temporarily trying this out with the whole media library disabled might also be useful to rule out some ideas I've got.

General Discussion / Re: Winamp ML import
« on: January 06, 2025, 12:06:24 PM »
I'd really need to know what version of winamp you were trying to import from. As the import action I offer (accessed via the empty local library window or by going through media library window -> library button -> import -> import legacy (external) db) just needs to be pointed at an existing winamp settings folder (usually %appdata%\winamp) & as long as it's in the appropriate format then it should work.

I've only really tested the import action with copies of the local library from 5.63 to 5.666 specifically though I was given a set of main.dat/main.idx files last year from newer revision & my local library plug-in was able to import them without issue. If it's from a much older local library instance then it's most likely the layout of the columns might not be in the order that I'm expecting which would then prevent the import from seeing all of the data.

If needed you can message me a copy of the existing main.dat/main.idx from the winamp install you're trying to import so I can then check them out & if needed fix my importer &/or generate an appropriate copy of the library.dat/.idx files wacup uses for you to use with it.

General Discussion / Re: album art overview
« on: January 06, 2025, 11:54:49 AM »
That is what I'd expect the details view mode in my local library plug-in to currently look like as I didn't want to do a like for like replication of winamp's look for those items.

When items are selected in that mode the background colour of the text should change (as long as the skin being used defines things in a manner which makes it visually obvious) but I'm currently using a simpler way to achieve the details mode which I will need to come back to trying to expand upon but I was aiming more at just getting something that was working vs eye candy & which also worked ok under WINE based setups.

Preview Build Discussion / Re: Issues opening multiple files?
« on: January 02, 2025, 08:15:11 AM »
This is why I shouldn't reply at 3am in the morning when I can't sleep. Will have a proper re-read later today when I'm hopeful more with it.

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