
A few weeks ago I retired my Winamp and switched to WACUP as my main player.
In some aspects it is already more stable than Winamp (Like adding/playing a huge playlist in queue, which takes much time on winamp even on modern PCs) and stable enough for everyday usage.
What I encountered that still needs to be fixed:
-Global hotkeys randomly stop responding to "next song" hotkey and I have to restart WACUP for it to resume normal operation. Haven't had that happening in Winamp.
-Opening multiple files from folder only leads to 1/2/3 files being played and not all of the files selected.
-Clicking "Explore item(s) in folder opens the folder, but without the song selected.
-On two underpowered laptops, manually skipping to next song leads to crash if I skip 3-4 songs. Doesn't seem to occur on my everyday PC.
I'm using the latest preview build in portable mode on all PCs and they all run Windows 11. The first 3 bugs I can only confirm are present on my everyday PC, haven't tested on the laptops.