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Author Topic: Won't play CD Audio?  (Read 5215 times)


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Won't play CD Audio?
« on: September 21, 2021, 03:33:32 AM »
Edit: The plugin starts out as disabled.  This seems like a bad idea, but I'm posting this to hopefully be of use to someone else. 

Basic computer info: Windows 10, plenty powerful hardware, using external USB DVD drive to read audio CD.

I had been using WinAmp v5.8b3660, it plays CDs fine, but can no longer download CD info.  I was troubleshooting and found this:

Wow!  WACUP sounds great!  Except it won't play an audio CD for me.  There's no CD option from the Play menu, and if I open the files through Windows Explorer they show up in the playlist, but won't play. 


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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2021, 07:42:03 AM »
The audio CD plug-in (in_cdda.dll) is installed disabled by default because most new computers are now sold without a CD drive as standard equipment.

Anyway, access to a CD drive (internal or external) is via the media library (so you need to install and activate the plug-ins needed for the media library). You select your CD drive in the library panel on the left and the tracks on the CD are displayed in the library panel on the right. Some metadata for each track is also listed if the CD is listed in the online database that WACUP uses. The search for the tracks' metadata should occur automatically. There is also a command to force a search if needed. If metadata is found it can be stored locally so that it doesn't need to be looked for again, the next time the same CD is used. The locally stored metadata can be edited.

A CD's tracks are selected and played using the same methods used to select and play any of the other files listed in the media library.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2021, 07:56:01 AM by Aminifu »
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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2021, 07:56:51 AM »
Yeah it all worked great for me.  Like I said, just posting in case someone else needs this info, which seems likely...

Tip #2: The format converter can be found on a track's context menu in SEND TO


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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2021, 08:05:49 AM »
I only posted my reply because you posted, "Except it won't play an audio CD for me".

Anyway, no harm done.  :)
Windows 11 Home 64-bit v24H2
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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2021, 01:36:05 PM »
Edit: The plugin starts out as disabled.  This seems like a bad idea, but I'm posting this to hopefully be of use to someone else.
The main reason is that most don't even have CD/DVD/Bluray drives present & having the plug-in always be loaded & the overhead it introduces just didn't seem beneficial. That's why I've gone with it being installed but disabled by default with the naive assumption that a user will then have a look in the preferences to find that the input plug-in is there but not enabled & just toggling the enable option to get it running.

I've yet to come back to working on my audio cd plug-in as it's overall a low priority & it's likely I can probably try to do more based on what I've learnt from the past year or so with asynchronous handling of things that'll help to reduce it's impact on loading which for a real drive (less so with virtual drives) can cause the whole process to hang for a noticeable amount of time on load which wasn't something I found to be acceptable (hence disabled by default).

I get that for those needing it it's not the best of decisions but everything has to be balanced out between what makes sense vs what's the lesser evil for WACUP as a whole.



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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2021, 07:33:12 AM »

I've yet to come back to working on my audio cd plug-in as it's overall a low priority & it's likely I can probably try to do more based on what I've learnt from the past year or so with asynchronous handling of things that'll help to reduce it's impact on loading which for a real drive (less so with virtual drives) can cause the whole process to hang for a noticeable amount of time on load which wasn't something I found to be acceptable (hence disabled by default).


I didn't know that having the cd plug-in enabled could cause loading issues. I've not had this problem. There is no noticeable difference loading my configuration when the plug-in is enabled or not. I have an internal CD/DVD drive and an external Bluray drive.

With all the issues I've had, I'm surprised this wasn't one of them.  :)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2021, 07:34:32 AM by Aminifu »
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Re: Won't play CD Audio?
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2021, 12:31:44 PM »
The issues mostly related to the drive(s) taking longer than would be liked to respond which can then trigger the unresponsive handling along with just making the process seem like it's not loading or just taking forever to load. Since I've changed a load of other things around it's possible I've already done some things that lessen that load time impact.

It's something I'm also trying to improve since I've gotten to having an initial build of WACUP not needing winamp.original to load (not something you'll be using as you'll need the existing mode to have gen_ff loading support) is further reducing the load time impact of as many aspects I can for which I'll have to do some testing again to see what the cd plug-in impact is with & without populated drives (real & virtual) & might mean I re-enable the plug-in by default on new installs when it has been selected to be installed.
