After some more experimenting, I found that it does save its settings, kind of. The plugin saves and reads its settings from the plugins.ini file in the %APPDATA%/Roaming/WACUP/Plugins folder, but it doesn't seem to recognize all of the settings between sessions. For example, even with "Loop Forever=1" present in the .ini, the plugin won't maintain keeping it toggled on when closing and reopening WACUP.
The version I'm using is the last official release 0.851. The source is is still up on the plugin's website: Gordon Freeman for pointing that out with NSFPlug. I tried it with both the latest stable and beta versions and while it technically works, the .m3u playlists are formatted incorrectly and only populate using the plugin's Title Format settings rather than the tag information present in NSFe files. I've
submitted a report to the NSFPlug dev about it, so hopefully they can correct that eventually.