Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Messages - Pawel

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Parallel installation
« on: August 28, 2019, 05:56:31 PM »
But, if you enable this option (Allow multiple instances) in WACUP you may have troubles.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« on: September 22, 2018, 03:53:42 PM »
Big Bento Modern / Big Bento Modern Windows 10 Edition (1.02)
Winamp opens external browser and built-in browser at the same time.

When I use Help Menu and for example choose option: "Winamp Help F1" Winamp opens
external browser with the following address: -> It is OK (as Skin Settings-> Web Content is set to Open links in default browser).
But, in the same time Web Reader view in skin is opened and I see about:blank in address (it displays album content).

If I use "Send FeedBack" option, Winamp opens external browser and activate Web Browser view with the same content...
It is a bug. I should open external browser or built-in browser (not both!).


Archive / Re: Which skin should be the default on new WACUP installs?
« on: September 19, 2018, 05:19:09 PM »
I do think that the default WACUP skin should be the Classic Skin (Winamp 2.x base skin with WACUP tweaks).
Winamp Classic skin is the best option. In my opinion if you ask user about Winamp he think Winamp with Classic Skin (for sure old users).
The skin is very simple, uses low system resources and just do everything user want to do - play music.
Yes, the skin is not designed for high resolution monitors and big screens. But, if you set double size it is OK (I use rather big resolution and screen: 2560x1440, 27").

Now, WACUP installer should give possibility to choose the skin user want to use as default (like it is done now).
Such installer dialog should list all installed skins and by default Classic skin (clean install) or currently used skin (update) should be selected.
It is good idea to show few skins (Classic Skin, Bento/Big Bento, Winamp Modern, and excellent Big Bento Modern) with image and short description - user can decide what he want.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.02
« on: September 19, 2018, 01:44:35 PM »
Heh, originally the skin was aiming for something like that, along the way it became so much more that now I'm not so sure if most people will like it..

The skin is one of the best I ever saw... It is great work. It depends on DrO if he like to make it default.
I have only one issue with the skin - loading time. But, I suppose it can not be fixed - more options, more time to process it - I vote vor more options :P

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern - final release v1.1 (2018-05-17)
« on: May 18, 2018, 03:19:12 PM »
I am using your skin and I found few minor issues already. I will prepare some info for some time.

I found untranslated message box text (see attachment).

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern - final release
« on: May 17, 2018, 09:29:46 AM »
Thank you for your work. Thank you for your passion. Thank you for this amazing skin!
I've already said that, but you can repeat it forever. The skin is just great. Plenty of options, features, amazing graphics, every pixel means something :)

Polish translation works very nice (tested with Winamp). I hope, DrO will work even harder (is this even possible?) to add translation system to WACUP (then translators can start his work to prepare language pack for WACUP - I really hope someone from community will take on this hard task... For sure I will try).

Ps: At times like this, I think to myself I have not wasted my time on supporting Winamp...


Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Art Navigator
« on: November 19, 2017, 10:37:59 AM »
Bit confused on the last few posts as it seems to be talking about cPro and the last version released is included with WACUP and 1001skins has a copy off it. Unless I'm not following what's being talked about...


Yes, I know you distribute CPro with WACUP :)
But if I am not wrong, you don't distribute all widgets (only BrowserPro, NowPlaying).
@Benco asked about widget (suggested by @victhor) and I have it on my disk (svn copy for 2.02 version) -> Chapterlist, CoolVU, PictureBox,  Shoutbox.

CPro in WACUP:
1. You distribute source m files, but I do not see maki compiler...
2. This looks like unpacked installer dir (via 7zip -> to remove?): WACUP\Plugins\ClassicPro\engine\widgets\Data\NowPlaying\$SMPROGRAMS
3. This also should be removed, as this includes installes source files (NOT INCLUDED): WACUP\Plugins\ClassicPro\engine\widgets\cpro-widget-BrowserPro.nsi

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Art Navigator
« on: November 18, 2017, 10:57:59 PM »
I am sure I don't have the latest one (Version 2.02 (1 September 2013))
I wrote installer, but it was long time ago. Since that time Martin made some changes if I remember.
For sure, he has got the latest sources...

Wishlist / Feature Requests / Re: Art Navigator
« on: November 18, 2017, 03:38:28 PM »
I wrote installer for ClassicPro. So, I do have all stuff :P

Here is a widget you are asking:

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: November 09, 2017, 03:57:30 PM »

Here are the next part with translation issues...
While I was checking skin translation I found few untranslated strings. I am sure some of them are not translated yet because
this options are still subject to change/improve...
I will wait till you have final version of the skin and then check my translation again to be sure it is OK.

      <!-- OTHER -->
      <translation from="TIP:" to="TIP" />
      <!-- Winamp Menu :: Options--> Browser -->
      <translation from="Winamp Search" to="Winamp Search" />
      <translation from="Plug-ins" to="Plug-ins" />

      <!-- Multi-tools -->
      <!-- Multi-tools :: Tooltips -->
      <translation from="Skins folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Milkdrop2 Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="AVS Presets folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Search Youtube Song Video | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Open File(s) | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Toggle Always on top | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Lyrics Search | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Search Album Cover | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <translation from="Winamp folder | Right-click to customize button" to="" />
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu -->
      <translation from="Custom Button A" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'SKINS'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button B" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'MILKDROP'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button C" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open 'AVS'" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button D" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open button" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button E" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Toggle Always on top" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button F" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Lyrics for current song" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button G" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Youtube Search" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button H" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Search Album Cover" to="" />
      <translation from="Custom Button I" to="" />
      <translation from="CURRENT MODE: Open %PATH_TO_WINAMP%" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Internet Search -->
      <translation from="More Artist Info" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Search Lyrics for Current Song" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Youtube Song video" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="Search Album Cover" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <!-- Multi-tools: Context Menu: Playlists -->
      <translation from="no playlist found" to="" />
      <!-- Visualisation -->
      <translation from="Custom Button vis.prog.button" to="" />
      <!-- Big Bento Modern :: Playlist Info Panel -->
      <translation from="Track " to="" />
      <translation from="1 track" to="" />
      <translation from=" tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->
      <translation from="tracks" to="" /> <!-- Not working!!! -->


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: November 09, 2017, 12:50:28 PM »
Victhor, thank you for your answer and explanations.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: November 09, 2017, 09:17:37 AM »
I am translating the skin into Polish language. It will be available in my Language Pack.
Because, translation system is not yet working well in WACUP I am testing it in clean Winamp 5.666 (AOL)
For now, here are my notes:

1. Is it possible to make Tip window a bit longer (it is hard to fit all text)?
Ps: Tip: word is not translated -> you need to add the following to wasabi.xml: <translation from="TIP:" to="TIP:" />

2. Some entries can not be translated (loaded dynamically, like for example: "VOLUME:")
I am sure it can be done easily but I don't remember how to do it... -> Ask DrO or Benski

3. Is it possible to make Tabs width a bit longer?
Could you move right the selected area?

4. I still have a problem with Font mapping in the skin...
If I map swis721 font into for example Arial Unicode MS it seems to work (I can see correct Polish letters in the skin).
For example:
However if I only refresh skin (F5) or close and open Winamp again it is borked again:
(Songticker, Time display area and File Info are OK) -> skin options is not OK.

Am I doing something wrong? How to set different font for Winamp interface?
Is this is a bug that Winamp not remembers it?

5. What this means (could you describe it?):
      <translation from="Slam!!!" to="Slam!!!" /> --> what is SLAM? what is the context?
      <translation from="Switch to Light version" to="Switch to Light version" /> --> it is "lite" version or with lighter color?
      <translation from="Switch to Dark version" to="Switch to Dark version" /> --> is it "full" version or with dark theme?

6. Skin options
When the option is not checked the slider is on the left:
When the option is checked the slider is on the right:
It is OK -> But I wonder why if user hover mouse over NOT checked option it shows it is checked?
Are you sure it is intuitive?

7. Color Themes list has a very small font (comparing to other)

8. The "question mark" icon is visually not good->
Maybe you can improve it to not look so "pixelated"


Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: November 03, 2017, 07:30:12 PM »
Be warned that the Language pack I prepared is not working on WACUP yet (but you can use the included wasabi.xml* to translate the skin to your own language!).

*Maybe it works if placing the file inside a Language Pack / Folder on a WACUP install? I haven't test it, let me know if you do.

I can confirm, it works with Language Pack with WACUP but it is unstable. Now it is only usable to check how the translation works but it is not good to use in normal work - it crashes a lot!
As DrO wrote, Language pack support is intentionally broken in WACUP.

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 27, 2017, 03:23:57 PM »
The best would be if waveform seeker looks like in AIMP ( - in progress bar.

Two issues:
1. Is it possible to change the following behavior of the skin:
- When I click Next or Previous button the "Next Track" or "Previous Track" is displayed on Song Title area ->
It is displayed about 3 seconds... in this time I don't see the song title (ATF string) - it is not good... if i click Next/Next I want to see a song title... instead I have to wait 3 seconds to see a title...
Maybe this info (Next Track) could be displayed on other field? or <1s?
Ps: yes, I can see this info in "File Info" area... but File Info area can be hidden - SongTicker is always visible.

2. In mopst time I use Winamp with your skin docked to the top of my screen (hidden). When I move mouse it shows up (Windows Settings/Docked Toolbar/Top+AutoHide)
Sometimes, when the window is showing the part of skin is "not refreshed". See the image:
The window need to be updated...

It should be like this:

3. Last image shows next problem:
"KBPS" is cutted... 44KH -> shouldn't it be 44.1 KHz?

Ps: The problem with fonts and Polish characters is solved (I replaced the font by another one that shows beautiful Polish characters).

Skins / Re: Big Bento Modern Beta
« on: September 26, 2017, 02:42:44 PM »
What font do you use and how do you render it?
I have problems with Polish chars... in most cases it looks bad (but at least polish chars are displayed!)
Is there any way to improve it? Now, Polish chars are bigger/thicker... (ć, ó and ł looks OK, but ś ż ź ą ę ń looks bad).
[To see ć -> press ALT+C, ś -> ALT+ s, etc... in Polish keyboard (Polish Programmer)]

Take a look:
My font settings:


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