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Author Topic: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years  (Read 4686 times)


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Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« on: October 02, 2023, 03:40:38 PM »
Hi there,

I have been using winamp for 20+ years, and for most of the time used them to play music as a bartender as well.

I have two little requests:

I've always felt the need for a 'play this one next' as a contect menu item either during shuffle or non-shuffle playing.
What I mean by this is, as a bartender, I often had people put in requests for a song, but I didn't want to break whatever playlist I was playing just for one song.
(I'm anal like that, I need to have total control over the music I'm playing; no autotune at my bar baby)

So I just want to select the file from my drive (I don't use the winamp library), right click on it, and select 'Play this one next', to have it slip into the playlist as the next song, and afterwards it will just continue doing whatever playlist it was doing.

This would make it an absolute minimal fuss to have requests at my bar, even when it is rather crowded (a sort of 'fire&forget' option would be best).

The second request would be to have an option to have shuffle totally rule out songs it already played during the session.

Maybe the shuffle doesn't suck in Wacup (haven't tried it yet) but in the latest winamp's it's pathetic: A have lists with a thousand files in it and I end up hearing 4 songs being played 2-3 times in a period of 3-4 hours (it's often my background music during gaming). The shuffle is so bad it's downright annoying.

Hope this gets picked up by someone. If you can't fix the non-randomness of the shuffle at least have it discount songs already played; it would make a decent workaround.

Eris Lund

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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2023, 11:16:50 PM »
For number 2 the shuffling stuff has been addressed in many many beta builds ago and thus should work better than it does in Winamp, give it a try!
Maker of Plugins, I suppose.
(I know, creative names)


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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2023, 11:44:44 AM »
1) If the file is already in the main playlist, selecting the item & pressing 'q' (or via the right-click -> jump to file sub-menu) can be used to override the playback order. A proper 'enqueue & play' was partially possible from the winamp days if my jtfe plug-in was used but when I formally introduce shell integration in WACUP then that will be done which'd likely do what is wanted.

2) If you're drastically changing the playlist contents or opening & closing the program then that's likely why you're re-hearing things as winamp doesn't have a means to track things. WACUP between program instances will attempt to maintain the shuffle table but if the playlist changes too much then it is still possible to re-hear files. The alternative is don't use normal shuffle & instead use the 'playlist file remover' plug-in which can cycle through a playlist until all have been played & then reloads the original playlist along with allowing things to be shuffled / randomised to avoid it just looping in the same manner. Alas I don't have a simple "it just works" solution at this time that doesn't involve some form of user input to get it going properly.



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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2023, 05:05:39 PM »
The alternative is don't use normal shuffle & instead use the 'playlist file remover' plug-in which can cycle through a playlist until all have been played & then reloads the original playlist along with allowing things to be shuffled / randomised to avoid it just looping in the same manner. ...
I do not use 'playlists', I just add folders or multiple files. Selecting shuffle, then enable file remover, will this feature work on this case?


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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2023, 05:29:18 PM »
It's what I described so yes. It's that it's possible to work with or without shuffle being on depending on other settings from the PLFR plug-in & also what's needed by the user. Also based on what I've seen from bar setups in the past, main shuffle off & pre-randomising (as the plug-in can do) makes it much easier to see what's coming up next which is better for the playback queue override from a visual stance.



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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2023, 04:38:07 PM »
thank you


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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2023, 03:10:40 PM »

I had the 2nd problem years ago when I was using total random programmation and I found a way to do it so you never have twice the same song.

Once you loaded your songs and folders in the playlist window click down the playlist window on Misc > Sort > Randomize list

The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+R

You can do this twice or more if you think the order is not your taste and then you play the whole playlist from the first song without enabling the shuffle mode

It's another way to shuffle

Hope it helps
« Last Edit: November 06, 2023, 03:11:41 PM by vikflash »


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Re: Two little requests from someone using winamp for 20+ years
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2023, 03:46:54 PM »
That shouldn't be needed now with the handling that's in place to try to maintain the shuffle table between sessions (as long as what's in the main playlist doesn't massively change between instances). It even tries to avoid including items already played if what's in the playlist has changed to only account for what's left to be played (which can be monitored via the diagnostic prefs pages).

Winamp had those issues in not being able to maintain things & yes shuffle off & manually triggering the randomise is the other way to see what's going on _but_ for WACUP which hasn't relied on Winamp's handling for shuffle / randomise in many years now, both shuffle & random actions go through the same code, it's just whether the main playlist queue list or the shuffle list is the one that gets updated.
