Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

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Messages - garetjax

Pages: [1] 2 3
Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: February 17, 2019, 05:16:55 PM »
1. wal files are now added.
2. Multiple Categories can be chosen; and Additional categories have been added.
3. Looking into the mobile view 'change'.
4. Re-Captcha Is a bit of a pain I know...but, the volume of spam I get is out of control; and as such this is the best solution so far.
5. I am thinking on how to implement a standard download button through.

- Bootstrap Themes
- Featured
- Winamp Skins

Winamp Skins - Includes Sub Categories (Alot)
- From art to Classic Pro and touchscreen; a crap ton.

Combined with the ability to select multiple categories a given skin can be attributed to 1 or all;  by default most only have 1 category.

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: January 27, 2019, 04:06:31 AM »

And yes, somewhat of a wip; though a-lot less so than the old.  At this stage only 2 outstanding issue remain; really. 

-Password Reset Links/Emails
-Editing (while possible, I am not completely in love with the method of doing so *yet).

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:11:54 AM »
You can Use the following Links to specifically filter to individual categories:

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: January 22, 2019, 03:06:21 AM »
The posts are categorized by date of the bootstrap themes show up top.  Not an easy way to discern any difference for now...

I have plans on creating a static homepage that will allow for a featured gallery, and content that is automatically generated.

The only other solution is to remove them; and I am unsure if I want to yet.

General Discussion / Re: So.... Winamp 5.8 Beta was leaked
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:41:08 PM »
Dr0 - I remember a post I made years ago about 64bit migration of the desktop client.  I believe, the response was why...32bit works or something to the effect.

Silly, argument at the time...  You just got me thinking by your post about it.

As for the new builds.  How, can what they build ever compare to the multitude of high value, routinely developed, patched and versioned high-end solutions? 

- Music Bee
- Foobar
- XMPlay
- Itunes (blech)
- Clementine
- Media Monkey
- Amarok
- Banshee
- VLC Media Player

These are from memory, and relatively they are in many cases very well supported, include many of the features that winamp had/has; and are each quite usable. Then there are the various players for streaming subscriptions that are hands down amazing products on their own rights (spotify, amazon, etc.)

I think imho that winamp itself needs the investment and drive of developers wishing to put it into the 21 Century with a feature-set that covers all of the integration, services, capabilities of these peers now that it has been sleeping on the job; or it will remain in the shadows relegated to enthusiasts only; they have a-lot to catch up to; with very few that internally doing the work required to bring it to the masses.

General Discussion / Re: WACUP Windows start buttons
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:37:35 PM »
Windows 10 - Start10 WACUP Start Button

- Maybe not the most useful but feel free to do better. (heh)

Skins / Re: Huge Collection Of Skins Available
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:28:09 PM »
The biggest problem with the skins dump is the versioning of skins, plugins, files.  They are usually contained in the skins list with a (wsz).  Additionally, as was previously stated the dumps are also unverified and non-curated.  I once had the same idea to upload to a singular location all of the skins for 1001, and knowing that 1001 has all the skins curated, categorized, and versioned still would do nothing in a singular file pool from which users would have to download and privately curate after download; because of how I have stored them.

1001 stores skins by their Id and links to their meta information by filename. Stored them by filename and linked them to a series of meta information by Id.

Neither site would easily be able to combine both sets of data in a way that would easily allow for self curated content.

Skins / Re: Winamp New Concept 2018 - Classic Skin
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:17:34 PM »
Agreed, it is nice...though, the flat route of design lends itself to not knowing where the separation is between functional windows. 

My thoughts, are that the buttons are not symmetrical and/or sized the same across the entire skin.
- The colors are pleasing yet, also not in line with the original base skin in all things (text for example should be green).
- The triple lines on each title-bar are detracting from the design and overall seem to deviate from the flat nature of the rest of the design.
- The actions of the buttons are limited and do not reflect a pleasing state change as one would expect.
- Multi-state playlist buttons should be adaptive to the skin and improve/utilize the overall design of your skins buttons.  They seem to be simplistic and not thought out very well.

Overall a great design. 4 out 5 stars.

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: January 21, 2019, 06:08:15 PM »
Yes, that was the site around 2004/2005

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: January 20, 2019, 04:46:36 AM »
1001Skins -> Updated

Take a look around.

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: July 20, 2018, 01:34:57 AM »
dr0 has withdrawn his support; I cannot blame him.  He has very good points....I do not yet have a plan nor do I have a direction on what will happen next.

Idk....maybe turn it into wordpress...

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: June 13, 2018, 01:46:53 AM »

Hopefully, we get a plan of action I am moved into the new home ; and have no internet (at least for a duration - no idea of when I will).  If the site goes down -  which I hope it doesn't....let me know through email (

dr0 - let me know...when you are thinking you want to take over?

Skins / Re: Windows 2k like Winamp Skin
« on: June 02, 2018, 05:37:25 AM »
Sorry, bring up old threads; But I find this intriguing.  Scaling classic skins would have been awesome.  Especially, if the aspect rations were maintained...I can imagine a whole range of uses for a plugin that allowed that single click usage.  If it ever comes about...I'd love to hit that up...

Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: May 30, 2018, 12:14:21 AM »
The site doesn't really need much; relatively speaking of course; a few areas need TLC
-Uploads is one; but, I wouldn't recommend worrying about uploads as much until a competent developer can be used to rely upon.  Uploads, are one of the most contentious areas as too many bad actors try to use it as an avenue of attack against the site; hence why there have been updates there and then subsequently nearly impossible to upload with (this was by design as a conscious choice to prevent misuses).

At present, the site works well as an archive of around 4200 Skins (+/- not sure on the exact number) attributed to the authors that designed them.  There were many ideas for the continual development and some have many, many of those efforts.  Though, again in some ways it is also a problem, as I have over the last 10 years attempted to bring to life what once was dead built on php2 code, that was effective but, had many security implications and issues that couldn't in good faith be brought back as it was.

After 10 years I got pretty far just never where I felt competent enough to finalize it; and with many variations of development across each of the pages.

Anyways, I wasn't knocking your comment; I was and am responsible for the site and the state that it sits in.


Skins / Re: 1001skins
« on: May 27, 2018, 05:08:26 AM »
i was close on many fronts; but, never had enough input, test time, or collaboration to devote as much time as the site needed.  The framework is solid; just not perfected; I've started and stopped likely thousands and thousands of times to introduce final production worthy code that would last the test of time; I believe, that a vast majority of where I was able to devote my attention to is complete in many senses; thought, I would be the first to say I never had enough time to really make it all connect.

I have 6 children, a full time development job, a full load of 'senior developer' activities and a 24/7 on call status to provide support across 7 companies with 30+/- websites, hundreds of web applications, server applications, console applications and hundreds of installed applications in my work queue. I know that this may seem like I am making excuses for my apparent lack of development effort on 1001 but, truly it is not.  I wanted so much more and have at times made many changes when I could. 

However, as all things took my attention away on to different avenues; Now that I am raising up this next generation of developers (28 of them); I do not have the desire to spend countless more hours pouring over code (honest).  I feel burnt out and that does not lend itself to proper development and is likely the cause for some of the delays, enhancements and/or bug fixes.

As I stated I believe Dr0 not only has the presence of mind to make it viable; but, to keep it in trust and to definitely bring together people where I was a skinner that took it over; and while I may be a developer - I work with a team and not by myself; things seldom work without backing and support that goes beyond an individual taste, and desire.  I suppose, what I am really getting at is that I was probably not the best choice to make 1001 into what it could have been and i am most certainly not the person now.

Sad but, honest opinion.  I let you guys down and I know it...this bothers me and I wish I could change that. 

Anyways, thank you for the critique, and imparting your opinion.  It was and always is valuable.


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