With the current Now Playing plugin and I am using (which is no longer maintained), it can do a variety of things. You can get it from here:
Brandon Fuller's Now Playing: A Winamp Plugin v3.9.4.0 One of them is sending a "Ping" where it will execute a given URL.
Basically, trying to get this to where I can make something similar to what I can do here:
http://www.markheadrick.com/entertainment.shtmlThis plugin will create an XML file of the last 10 songs and then upload it via FTP and my script that is called by this URL processes it. I actually use this script to send out the tweet either automatically (auto=1) or manually from another script. Anyway, if the current song's information could be sent with the script call via post or get variables then I can save the history on the server end in a database or something and skip the FTP thing.
Here's part of that XML file for reference:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<now_playing playing="0" timestamp="2016-11-11T05:42:03-06:00">
<song order="1" timestamp="2016-11-11T05:39:29-06:00">
<title>Radar Rider</title>
<album>Heavy Metal Soundtrack</album>
<composer>Jerry Rigs/Marc Jordan</composer>
<file>C:\(removed)\Music\MP3\Soundtrack\Heavy Metal Soundtrack\Heavy Metal Soundtrack - 09 - Riggs - Radar Rider.mp3</file>
I actually use the file path to know what album image to use. This is one of the tweets I do with it:
https://twitter.com/mrheadrick/status/794783927181463552Anyway, wanted to put this out there. I'm probably one of the only people that does this kind of thing so I understand if the priority to add this is low.
Thanks for all your work.