Welcome to the Winamp Community Update Pack (WACUP) forums
If you don't already know what WACUP is then please first have a look at
https://getwacup.com/ to find out more about it it is and what it intends to achieve.
The aim of this forum is to provide a place to talk about and provide support for WACUP from the initial closed beta testing to public releases and whatever else comes from that. You're also welcome to talk about anything Winamp related to associated technology or anything else of interest (nothing dodgy please

). Things will change over the next few months whilst everything gets properly setup so if there are issues with the forum, etc then please do report it so it can be fixed).
For those genuinely wanting to participate in the beta testing of WACUP, please
drop me a message so you can be added to the beta testing group. For those not wanting to test beta releases and instead just want to wait for non-beta releases then you're also more than welcome to hang around and participate in the general conversations going on
Final thing, if you are having issues logging in / registering on these forums, you can also contact me via the options at
https://getwacup.com/#contact so I can help you out.