Latest WACUP public preview for x86 & x64 is build #20202 (September 28th 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)
Latest restricted WACUP beta release is build #20686 (December 23rd 2024) (x86 & x64 changelogs)

NOTE: Beta testers are added in a limited & subjective manner as I can only support so many people as part of the beta test program to keep it useful for my needs.

Unless I think you're going to be helpful, not all requests will be accepted but might still be later on. Remember that beta testing is to help me & the limitations currently works for my needs for this project.

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Topics - Eris Lund

Pages: [1]
Skins / Issues with Components and desktopalpha="1"
« on: October 01, 2022, 12:36:42 AM »
Hey everyone, or those more familiar with the Modern Skin Engine,

I've hit a snag in trying to pull off something, where I want to render generically skinned windows with transparency enabled... but the big problem is that the components disappear entirely, save for the window itself which is still present.


Winamp Modern (edited pledit-normal.xml to have desktopalpha="1"):

Has anyone encountered this before, and if so, what is needed to mitigate against this?
On request I can post the special build of DeClassified for anyone to take a dig at.

Edit: It's important for me to preserve the corners around the empty white windows to make them seamless

Skins / Winamp3 Default Skin: The way it was meant to be
« on: July 07, 2022, 02:18:18 AM »

The Winamp3 skin we all know and love, and I personally hate... sort of, it all really comes down to the time display being inconsistent in the screenshot and what you actually get to see, so I fixed that! And I added the play LED from DeClassified in here as well, I just like it too much.

The skin is based on Plague's work on fixing it and making it more functional for Winamp 5, so it has all the goodies.


Skins / DeClassified: A Modern Skin Framework for Classic Skins
« on: April 24, 2022, 01:13:46 AM »
DeClassified 1.10 is out! Get it here!

The title may be confusing, but don't worry, I'll fill you in shortly...

You may be thinking that it's just the Classic Skin, but you're wrong, this is a Modern Skin, one that wants to be a classic skin, this is where the name "DeClassified" comes from as it's a play on the Classified skins depicting Modern Skins in the Classic Skin layout.

This is actually the fourth incarnation of getting Classic Skins rendered within the Modern Skin engine (first came Winamp3, then Plague(?)'s attempt at extending that, then WMC/WCL, now me) with the mere difference that this project aims to recreate every classic skin feature as accurate as possible, whilst making porting Classic Skins or just loading their image assets as easy as possible. (This isn't possible for the song time display as the requirements for the digits are different for the Modern Skin engine vs. Classic Skins).

The last few days was putting focus on getting the little playback status display to work properly enough, which the gif posted above is demonstrating (the thing that flickers from green to red occasionally), it wasn't easy, but I think it's working well enough for now.

Only the main window is supported and even that is not fully completed (clutterbar is not functional still, and the visualizer is missing some config stuff), but I hope I get everything else done at some point.

As always with my other projects, you're free to use everything I put up in your own projects, as I believe stuff like this shouldn't be locked away, or have some restrictive license applied to it.

Skins / New side project: Winamp 1.00 as a Modern Skin
« on: March 20, 2022, 09:34:12 PM »

A new side project that should help me get back into modern skinning, which is to recreate Winamp 1.00's main window almost 1:1 as much as possible.
It's been a bit since I pushed a commit to the Winamp Modern repo (those in the discord know what's up), so this should help me get back into this whole thing again.

I'll happily take feedback on this whole thing, but I probably won't keep this thread updated as much.

General Discussion / Winamp as we know it is officially dead.
« on: March 18, 2022, 08:16:43 PM »
Well, it's happened, if you've been following the news lately or have hung around the Discord server, you might've heard the news of them doing NFTs, but what the heck are NFTs and why should you care? Allow me to give you a quick rundown...


NFT's are "Non Fungible Tokens" where you essentially own a receipt of you owning a link to something, but never the thing you bought. They're often associated with stolen art (and now recently, people have been stealing from musicians too), scams and legitimate collections consisting of very ugly art of various animals in the same pose with various different things (hats, expressions, etc), not only are people being ripped off, but it's also damaging the environment.

We still have no clue about the release of the player, but to say that the shitstorm was intense on Twitter is an understatement.

What does that mean for us? Is WACUP affected by this?
This means hopefully more users for us, and WACUP isn't affected by this at all, just that some may think that with the Winamp association, people may be turned off.

What will the future of Winamp be?
At this point, it's hard to tell, only further chaos can ensue with them and a bigger shitstorm will come when their new Winamp arrives, so we just have to wait.

Skins / Winamp Modern Updated for WACUP
« on: May 05, 2021, 08:25:31 AM »
Inspired in part by Ariszló's thread of old skins updated for WACUP, I wanted to show off a work in progress of updating Winamp Modern:

This is the latest I've done, fixing the bitrate display to not decrease the width of it's surrounding box when it happens to be below 100kbps.

There are also a slew of other things, namely the newer and improved timer which now flashes the timer instead of displaying dashes, there's also the realignment of UI elements which looked too off when taking a deeper look at the main window and other tiny stuff that no one else would really see... well, except for me.

The git repository can be found here:

Maybe this'll find itself in a new WACUP build, but I can't say for certain. :)

Skins / Fixing an 18 year and 7 month old Winamp3/wasabi/Winamp5 bug
« on: March 13, 2021, 09:12:46 PM »
Recently I took it upon myself to fix an annoying bug that was introduced and never fixed in Winamp3 (as the title suggests), barely knowing any form of coding I went to work and spent about 2 days reimplementing essentially how Winamp Classic's song time display works, which should be 100% accurate (though there might be some bugs here and there that I haven't spotted yet).

This script does the following:
It appends a leading 0 where appropriate for both "Time remaining" and "Time elapsed", it also contains checks for streams/endless VGM playback where you won't be able to accidentally switch to "Time remaining" (internally it still does, but does not show the respective hyphen when doing so).
In cases of Winamp/WACUP accidentally managing to go beyond the song's length, the timer will still show you the proper time position for both modes, the same applies to input plugins allowing the song to play beyond the actual length (e.g. the OpenMPT plugin offering repeat modes for seamless repeating).

Don't know what I'm talking about?
Below is a screen recording of before applying the fix vs. after.



While this script was written by someone who just started to get the gist of programming, there are areas of where it can be improved, but it does the job and that's all that matters for now. :)

I hereby invite everyone to take this script and include it in their own projects, in commercial use or not, this is for everyone to use and play with and I don't want any compensation for it.


Edit: last patch version for a while (would even consider this safe to be included in WACUP)

changes v2.4:
added a menu for the timer to switch between time remaining or elapsed
re-added the progress bar glow that was accidentally deleted (specific to winamp modern)

changes v2.5 (optional update):
the timer now blinks, there are no real big changes and/or bugfixes on the surface, just a lot of under the hood things to minimize the script a bit

Screenrecording of the blinking in action:


A Modern Skin aimed to emulate the Windows Classic look and feel before Microsoft got rid of the classic theme option in Windows 8 entirely.
It is aimed at those who use Windows Classic on their machines, or just simply miss the aesthetic look and feel.

What does this feature, besides carrying the features of WCM?

- Near accurate Windows Classic imitation
- Direct support for WACUP (WinAmp Community Update Project)
- Multiple Visualizers for your eye candy enjoyment (removed with the Lite version)
- Proper Color Theming support

As this is my first major Modern Skin (which uses Victhor's beautiful Winamp Classic Modern as its base), I would appreciate any feedback for future improvements.

If you want to follow the changelog and report issues (which is recommended), follow through this link, and drop any bugs you may find, however, feedback/suggestions here is highly appreciated

Latest version changelog:
v1.3.2-Lite: It's so great we skipped one version revision!
What's New?

Not a whole bunch, this is pretty much a stripped down version of the skin, which now includes a few features from master and removes a few things as well, see if you can spot 'em.

- No extra visualizers
- Beta Playlist Editor
- A few new Winamp Visualizer color themes
- The Winamp Visualizer in its own window (carrying the same set of color visualizers the Main Window has)

Download here.

Skins / Windows 2k like Winamp Skin
« on: June 06, 2017, 02:15:29 PM »
Sadly, this is not a Modern Skin as I had previously planned (like 1 or 2 years ago maybe), so it's a classic skin for the moment being.

I've just now updated it to be more fitting to WACUP, with all the text and even replacing the old logo with the new one.

The inspiration came to me when I had wondered what Winamp would look like if it was drawn to the OS's theme (the other one's I had seen weren't nearly as good enough and didnt hit the theme correctly), and the only thing I had was my laptop with a broken Windows Vista install and I could only use Linux with Wine.
I began to slowly copy and paste each window part of Wine to the Classic Winamp bitmaps in GIMP, of course improving over time. I also inspired myself a little bit by Winamp 1.x, with the Clutterbar being seperated from the main display.

Now with Windows 10 being out and almost everyone using it, it kinda became outdated rather quickly (I can surely imagine a few people still hanging tight on Windows 7), but I still wanted to share this one.

Tell me what you think below and/or some improvement suggestions :)

Best experienced by disabling Skinned mouse cursors btw.

Archive / Grettings people from earth!
« on: October 30, 2016, 09:21:37 PM »
Hello, I am The1_Freeman, and a long time Winamp user since version 2.6.

It has been the first thing I installed onto my Computers (and Virtual Machines too), I created a few skins in the time I used Winamp and added tons of Plugins (also a few of DrO's old ones such as Skinned Prefs), I cannot think of using anything else as an alternative.

Cheers!  :D

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