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Author Topic: Old recommended video overlay options  (Read 3843 times)


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Old recommended video overlay options
« on: February 21, 2019, 04:31:46 AM »
Good evening, now continuing with the wishes and also doubts, I wonder if it is possible to activate the hardware video overlay options through the YV12 codec, you will see use a third party program to place a text marquee on the Winamp video, if use any image superimposed with the background the color RGB = 16, 0, 16 (I suppose red: 16, green: 0 and blue: 16) the transparency works, but before this function I found it in the old Winamp 5.5.5, well in reality 2 options
Who were before in Winamp.ini file

video_overlays: Activate hardware overlay (recommended for best performance)

video_yv12: The YV12 overlay is enabled if it is set to 1. Otherwise, it is disabled with 0, it is also disabled by default.

The point is to be able to use transparencies on the Winamp video, adding them back to the video options, thanks.
(I had to switch to English to have an image, because I use the international version in Spanish).

Viejas opciones de superposición de video  antes recomendadas:

Buenas noches, ahora continuando con los deseos y también dudas, me pregunto si es posible activar las opciones de video superposición de hardware por medio del codec YV12, verán uso un programa de terceros para colocar una marquesina de texto sobre el video de Winamp, si uso cualquier imagen superpuesta con el fondo el color RGB= 16, 0, 16  (supongo rojo: 16, verde: 0 y azul: 16) la transparencia funciona, pero antes esta función la encontraba en el antiguo Winamp 5.5.5, bueno en realidad 2 opciones
Que estaban antes en archivo Winamp.ini
video_overlays: Activar el overlay de hardware (recomendado para major rendimiento)
video_yv12: La superposición de YV12 se habilita si se establece en 1. De lo contrario, se desactiva con 0, también se desactiva de forma predeterminada.

La cuestión es poder usar transparencias sobre el video de Winamp, añadiéndolas de nuevo a las opciones de video, gracias.
(tuve que pasar a inglés para tener una imagen, debido a que uso la versión internacional en español).
« Last Edit: February 21, 2019, 05:58:19 AM by Dsalomon »


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Re: Old recommended video overlay options
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2019, 09:28:15 PM »
My understanding is that the option you've highlighted from the older Winamp release was removed due to the OS removing the support since it related to DirectDraw I believe & since Vista, there's been a move to deprecate / remove features on the OS side related to it. As such the video support that 5.666 provides (which is unchanged under WACUP) uses some of the newer output solutions which negates the point of trying to add back in such options when they just don't have any relevance.

Also I need to just state this now, although Winamp & WACUP by being based on top of Winamp can do video playback, it's not an area that really interests me & I think moving WACUP towards more of an audio player is better suited on how the majority that prefer to use Winamp or something like it want as video support was never great in Winamp nor never very much liked. I know that there are some who are happy with it & I'm not going out of my way to intentionally remove it but audio & associated file management are better areas & points of interest to me when working on things vs video playback which is just a myriad of pain most of the time.



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Re: Old recommended video overlay options
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2019, 04:51:55 AM »
is a real shame, I want to tell you that for me the video solution combined with the K-lite codec package, has been the best and most stable way to broadcast my TV channel, so I beg you to consider not leaving the support of video, for me it is the best.

es una verdadera lastima, quiero decirte que para mi la solución de video combinada con el paquete de codec K-lite, ha sido la mejor y mas estable forma de emitir mi canal de TV, por lo cual ruego a que consideres no dejar el soporte de video, para mi es de lo mejor.