Added an updated form of the TipTop plug-in which when enabled (not by default) can show a customisable tooltip next to the main playlist editor window for the item currently underneath the mouse (this has been updated initially to resolve the 14 year old resource leak the plug-in has had but then thought it might be useful to give it more of the WACUPification of my old plug-ins for which not many are left)
Changed how the Win10Shell plug-in works to avoid it incorrectly triggering a crash report to be generated when running WACUP using the /PROCDUMP action despite it not being an actual crash issue
Changed how the media library reacts to double-clicks on navigation tree items to delay the action slightly so the initial click can correctly trigger the view to be created before then receiving the double-click which can help avoid some ui blocking related issues (e.g. this helps for the local library views especially those with a large database)
Changed the waveform seeker plug-in to be less likely to use a lot of cpu resources if doing weird things with fast playback changes so it now filters out the new processing requests
Changed back some of the main playlist enqueue handling so if the provider can offer a pre-formatted title then that'll be used instead of relying on the main playlist title refresher
Changed some of the internal api playlist handling so all of the information about an item is returned in one go for a small performance saving for each playlist item being requested
Changed the main playlist processing status bar to not immediately show & appear only when a long running action is determined (assuming it's not a ui blocking call causing it) to avoid some additional overhead which for a number of actions would slow things down vs the original intent of the indicator
Changed the installer to make installing multiple copies of the same build quicker once the first install / update has been made (this is mostly to speed things up for those doing multiple install testing)
Fixed the installer incorrectly re-disabling the Thinger & Yar-matey! Playlist Copier plug-ins on install upgrades
Fixed the local library plug-in view filters not always keeping showing of the last item when running under WINE
Fixed a build configuration issue which prevented OpenSSL from supporting it's threading model which appears to have been behind some of the crashes seen when multiple threads using libcurl were running
Fixed a hang which could occur with the format converter api when trying to locate an appropriate input plug-in to be used (e.g. showed up with the waveform seeker plug-in getting stuck on file changes)
Fixed a visualisation plug-in handling issue which could cause a conflicting access between the active input plug-in & other possible user interactions ending up in a crash
Fixed a conflict between the NotSoDirect output plug-in & the settings cache which could in some high load scenarios to cause a contention issue causing a playback failure
Fixed disabling all of the media library history plug-in tracking wait options not triggering playcount updates effective immediately until restarting WACUP
Fixed a small performance issue with the settings cache causing it to re-process some of the config strings
Fixed the probable cause of the local library vs gen_ff deadlock &/or main playlist titles not refreshing (was an issue in the main playlist lock handling along with a problem in the local library plug-in)
Fixed having a main playlist selection & using the selection clearing action & then reselecting the previously selected item not triggering a selection change notification change
Fixed a hang on close if a local library filter query was still in progress due it to not aborting out of the sorting method as expected when the process closing signal was set
Fixed a small performance issue with the main playlist enqueue handling reallocating its internal buffers despite having pre-allocated what's needed prior to processing the items
Fixed a handling change incorrectly introduced with a recent yt-dlp update that caused yt urls to stop playing in the recent beta builds along with it not aborting out of playback along with a change that should avoid future possible issues with how yt-dlp might change it's url reponses
Fixed a memory leak with the lyrics albumart handling if not set to show the artwork & the internal callback is still triggered
Other small changes for minor performance improvements, internal handling of things & so on whilst trying to resolve ui blocking related actions
Updated c-ares (libcurl.dll) to 1.28.1 (30 Mar 2024)
Updated installer to be built with NSIS 3.10 (30 Mar 2024)
Updated libnghttp2 (libcurl.dll) to 1.61.0 (4 Apr 2024)
Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 6 Apr 2024