Added a modified version of the old Center Cut DSP plug-in into the installer for those still wanting to use this plug-in & experiencing crash issues with the old 2007 copy of the plug-in
Added /PLAYPLAYLIST, /ENQUEUEPLAYLIST & /ENQPLAYPLAYLIST actions which take either the playlist index from 1 up to the total number of library playlists (based on the order created) or the guid of the playlist (per the existing /ENUMPLAYLISTS command-line action)
Added an updated in_org input plug-in for Organya audio music files (more to be done to improve integration but its a start & this also allows for playback under the 64-bit test builds unlike in_pxtone)
Changed the OS Toast Notification support to better handle multiple lines along with adding 2 options to help alter the style of the text attempted (first line using bold text & all others not which is now the new default style or all lines using bold text which was the prior default along with being able to set the playing & playlist information below the main information or leaving it as the toast title text)
Changed the preference option to control the default extension used for unknown files / streams to now be on the General preference page instead of hidden away on the Playlist preference page where it didn't make sense & was a left over from mimicing some of Winamp's preference pages
Changed the in_url plug-in to skip trying to get the yt-dlp specific ffmpeg build to only get it when its actually needed which avoids some setups having an unresponsive hang due to slow internet
Changed the recently added bandcamp support to leverage the youtube handling changes when enabled which might help for some experience unstable internet connections
Changed how the discord albumart handling works to better verify the server received the data & will now try to locally log invalid / incomplete responses to help figure out some of the reported failures
Changed how some of the metadata requests for length are handled to now attempt to use mediafoundation as a fallback to avoid some issues seen with then passing those files to other plug-ins not intended to handle them as part of the general fallback handling
Fixed an api connection issue with the support which would prevent authorising WACUP to be able to scrobble
Fixed an issue when trying to revoke the authorisation due to a config handling issue with prior installs
Fixed the discord preference page not indicating that up to 3 ATF defined lines can be configured (showed two per the prior limitations of the discord rpc support)
Fixed a crash during program closing issue due to a timing conflict between the lyrics window & some modern skins
Fixed disabling the option to show library playlists as child nodes of the root playlist node breaking selecting the playlist within the root playlist view if that's set to show the selected playlist
Fixed trying to play some ogg vorbis based streams hanging from not correctly checking some of the initial connection information
Fixed the recently introduced bandcamp support not filtering out some of the possible stream formats that WACUP cannot currently play which could cause some playback attempts to get stuck in a retry loop
Fixed some of the discord update actions incorrectly running on the main ui thread when they're meant to be on a background thread to avoid blocking the ui thread & triggering some unresponsive ui crashes
Fixed the library playlists root not correctly restoring the embedded playlist on view loading if the selected playlist had just been viewed via the child node (if showing playlists as child nodes is used)
Fixed the OS Toast Notifications not always being triggered as program loading is completing if playback has already started
Fixed the probable cause of a metadata handling crash within the Streaming Source DSP plug-in
Fixed the probable cause of an intermittent crash seen with some local library view queries
Fixed some of the input plug-ins being able to trigger a crash when accessed before the output plug-in has been correctly configured to be used by them
Fixed the image resizer trying to use the AVX optimised code path for some setups when AVX is not supported by the CPU due to a feature testing problem
Fixed the File Associations diagnostic preference page not always reporting the extensions for some of the older input plug-ins without the support to provided extended metadata which could also prevent the duplicate count from being correctly reported
Fixed a many year regression in the handling of ASX playlists (not that they're something you should be using with WACUP) which could cause it to get stuck trying to process the entries incase they're undefined ASX playlists within the playlist
Fixed the vgmstream config dialog not following OS dark mode
Fixed some of the vgmstream config options conflicting with expected usage including the now removed "Enable common exts" option which could break playback of lots of the common formats including streaming
Fixed the discord now playing preview being clipped to fewer characters than is now allowed since the "listening to" changes have been implemented on their side (the text sent to discord wasn't being clipped)
Fixed some small performance issues related to plug-in loading & how some of the checking is done to apply plug-in specific patches & avoiding some re-processing that was going on
Fixed an internal api issue with getting metadata for files when the media library is disabled which could prevent the caller seeing there is metadata to use (e.g. for the albumart window in details mode) despite the metadata having been provided to it (aka rushing & not paying attention)
Fixed a validation check in the playlist handling which could cause the faked playlist types (but mostly affecting archives) to not be handled correctly causing them to either get stuck in a processing loop or to not appear at all (this goes back to changes made prior to build 19320 as part of resolve some other crashing related issues)
Fixed the archive playlist item entry format not being correctly applied if changed from the default style due to a conflict between in_zip & the playlist core handling not always seeing the config value
Fixed the folder monitor incorrectly triggering repeated re-processing once the first scan has been attempted if the option to check sub-folders on the configured folder has been disabled
Fixed the folder monitor handling triggering a full local library view refresh when there may not have been any tangible changes which should help avoid some recently raised usage feedback
Fixed the local library's missing file handling not behaving as expected in relation to recent changes from trying to resolve some prior network based file issues which meant moved / offline files weren't being marked as removed when the missing files handling was triggered (e.g. via the folder monitor handling)
Fixed the local libary albumart filter pane showing the wrong text either as the album name or in the tiled details mode if the first column has been changed from being the default album column (dumb bug)
Fixed live enabling of some plug-in types not always updating the state of the buttons on the plug-in preference page without having to first manually change the selection in the plug-in lists
Fixed some features crashing due to low available process memory preventing working buffers, etc from being created though this doesn't resolve what is causing some setups to run out of process memory
Fixed a text clipping issue for the time remaining display in the bottom right of the classic skin playlist window which made it look like it was being incorrectly drawn (side effect of some optimisation work done a few builds back to reduce reprocessing of strings which in this case didn't adjust for the dash which is present)
Fixed the in_url plug-in for some setups getting stuck in a loop trying to get yt-dlp due to an internal api call failing in an unexpected manner which prevents the needed local file path being obtained
Fixed the installer not always clearing up the prior installers (which is kept around for the modify action via the OS uninstall page) along with standardising the bitness of the installers to help this
Fixed a small performance issue with the initial loading of the podcast downloads view
Fixed a regression from a few builds back causing the batch metadata edit dialog to crash to differing degrees depending on how it had been called (main playlist or local library) along with a small performance issue which could cause a large number of memory allocations & releases when they weren't needed
Fixed some of the output plug-ins incorrectly trying to change their volume or panning values when there's not a need which could for some instances potentially be the reason for playback related hangs
Fixed the probable cause of a hang crash from trying to interact with some of the local library filters whilst a folder monitor scan was happening when there were many folders also configured to monitor
Fixed the probable cause of a hang crash from some of the plug-in metadata api calls conflicting with a background title processing call being in progress
Fixed the genre not being correctly shown in the local library album filter pane which would appear as an empty genre column in the text mode & there being nothing shown in the tiled details view mode
Updated libcurl (libcurl.dll) to 8.10.0 (11 Sep 2024)
Updated libexpat to 2.6.3 (4 Sep 2024)
Updated OpenSSL (libcurl.dll) to 3.3.2 (3 Sep 2024)
Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 7 Sep 2024