Added a $year alias to use within the NDE queries which can make it easier to have a local library smart view which automatically updates to only show files from the current year (if there's more aliases that make sense to add then let me know & I'll consider them if they make sense :) to add)
Changed to now use yt-dlp instead of the seemingly abandoned youtube-dl which other than being supported gets starting youtube playback back down to a reasonable time after they began throttling connections (this is ironically re-doing a change done over a year ago where we briefly moved to using yt-dlc which is the basis for what has become yt-dlp)
Changed the manually forced refreshing of titles in the main playlist editor to now allow unc/samba based paths to be processed (this relates to a change from some time back to avoid hitting them unnecessarily & having hangs / crashes due to slow processing &/or blocking waiting on the path to resolve when it's not going to due to the device it relates to not being available at the time)
Changed how the delayed unloading of the internet radio view is done to avoid it causing ui hangs & potentially triggering the unresponsive handler
Changed some of the artwork & metadata handling to better ensure that the portable plug-ins as currently re-used from 5.666 can keep working without hopefully crashing as they have a tendency to do
Changed some of the plug-ins (artwork, lyrics, history) & parts of the core metadata & artwork handling to de a better job of dealing with relative file paths - there's a load more that needs to be done to better ensure that anything officially provided with WACUP will be able to work with relative file paths especially for media so it's easier to move a WACUP install around (especially with portable installs) so it'll have more chance of "just working" which the use of absolute filepaths can often cause problems)
Changed how the installer checks if there is meant to be an available internet connection to use as the prior way could fail (e.g. on Windows 10 for ARM when running on a Raspberry Pi 400) even if there was a valid connection (I can see the ethernet cable & a browser was able to access things without issue!)
Changed how the classic spectrum analyzer visualisation plug-in handles it's window updates to try to avoid what is the likely cause of it triggering a crash with some setups (mostly when using a modern skin)
Changed the handling of the playlist separators so if the default has been set to be a blank separator (e.g. using separator://! ) then when inserting singularly or as a batch action it won't use the inserted item's file path like is done with normal separators so that the blank ones will work correctly as expected
Fixed Audio CD playback not always starting at the expected start of a track due to a mis-calculation in the track offset which wasn't accouting for the expected lead-in of 2 seconds (reported by k6stor)
Fixed the Audio CD plug-in sometimes triggering a full update of the main playlist editor's titles when it's only meant to be triggering an update of any existing cda:// based entries (whoops)
Fixed a number of visual issues with the plug-in lists from the selection not going to the edge of the listview when there's no scrollbar needed to it just looking a complete mess when running under WINE
Fixed the installer not correctly closing the agent mode & in-turn not being able to re-enable it as it doesn't know that it was running to be able to do that (this has been broken for a few beta builds)
Fixed double-clicking on anything other then the bottom item if it's a partially seen item of the main playlist editor not starting playback on that item but instead jumping around the playlist & more often than not going to the first item in the playlist (this is a side effect of a change in the prior build to better handle the bottom item if it's a partially seen because double-clicking is a mess to handle)
Fixed an unintended side-effect from the WINE improvements which prevented the skinned listviews from showing a tooltip that typically shows the fully contents for clipped items when placing the mouse over them
Fixed a timing conflict between the installer triggering a supporting tools update check & the initial setup mode being run which could explain some of the weird crashes on loading after installation & yt-dl corruption issues
Fixed new items being incorrectly added into the history view if a custom search has been applied & what's being played shouldn't appear within those search results
Fixed the handling of streams with the history so it now shouldn't incorrectly update the last title for the stream to be the title of the new item about to be played
Fixed some FLAC files appearing to play but nothing can be heard due to the replaygain / scaling factor being incorrectly determined under resource heavy scenarios or if the output buffer is set too low
Fixed a hnadling issue with the saving of the Not So Direct output plug-in configuration with the buffer sizes as well as better ensuring only actual changes are saved into the main configuration file
Fixed a number of issues with the main playlist editor scrollbar handling when using a modern skin or when using double/triple-size mode where it wouldn't allow the bottom part of the playlist to be clicked into view when clicking on the scrollbar (more still needs to be done on the scrollbar handling in general to try to make it act more like a native OS scrollbar in behaviour but this is an initial change)
Fixed a conflict between the FLAC input plug-in, Not So YASAPI output plug-in & trying to restore playback on loading due to the pause/seek/unpause stage being done before the FLAC has completed loading (this may also resolve some other minor quirks with the seek handling of FLAC files)
Fixed a number of crashes with the Not So YASAPI output plug-in due to how it was passing internal variables around & other issues seen which have been annoying me about the plug-in despite my dislike of it
Fixed a crash with the local library plug-in if trying to update the current playing item information whilst an import scan is going on & it was trying to insert it into the view cache (this will need to be improved later on as ideally it should be adding the item if it's not already in the local library database to appear in the current view as long as it's valid for the current view related filters)
Fixed moving a playlist item to the top of the main playlist editor when using a modern skin never see it get to the first position & instead see it start to move back down the playlist (the pain of trying to have things auto scroll depending on the direction to be more like native OS listview controls)
Fixed the inner fill for the video & generic windows on the classic skin preview showing the wrong colour vs what WACUP uses (there have been some changes vs the code which was built around Winamp's behaviour) as well as the logo in the video window showing an incorrect image (WACUP doesn't bother with that image file)
Fixed the classic skin preview not being scaled to match the preferences sizing which is dependent upon the OS dpi settings (this is not great but it'll suffice for the basic needs of a basic preview)
Fixed the option to auto-hide the classic skin albumart window under a modern skin not being correctly saved though this fix does require the option to be toggled to off if that's what is required to get it to be re-applied correctly
Fixed using the 'select all' keyboard shortcut not working as expected in the local library, internet radio & history views where it wasn't being applied to the search field & was incorrectly applied to the list
Updated libexpat (xml.w5s) to 2.4.2 (19 Dec 2021)
Updated libopenmpt (in_mod.dll) to (5 Dec 2021)
Updated lzma (lzma.dll) to 21.06 (24 Nov 2021)
Updated Monkey's Audio (in_ape.dll) to 7.22 (12 Dec 2021)
Updated mpg123 (mpg123.dll) to 1.29.3 (11 Dec 2021)
Updated OpenSSL (libcurl.dll) to 1.1.1m (14 Dec 2021)
Updated Patreon list (14 Dec 2021)
Updated the copyrights to 2022
Updated the Winamp Modern skin to v1.3.5 (21 Dec 2021)
Updated unrar (unrar.dll) to 6.13 (10 Dec 2021)
Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 18 Dec 2021
Updated zlib-ng (zlib.dll) to 2.1.0-devel (21 Dec 2021)