Added support for the podcast & downloads views to show the last time the podcast episode was played (either as the url or the locally downloaded file) to make it easier to determine what ones have been played or not as well as making use of information that is present from other parts of the media library without having to go to another library view (e.g. history)
Added support for modern skin tooltips (unless the skin does it's own tooltip handling) to follow the scaling of the skin instead of staying super small (thanks to eris & mirzi for getting this working)
Changed some of the delay loading related handling (including for the crash reporter) to hopefully resolve some quirks seen where the delay loading fails unexpectedly (this is something else in the now long running effort to try & ensure the crash reporter won't itself crash)
Changed how the WACUP provided library plug-ins deal with maintaining view selections to prevent them processing their view items when there isn't a known selection already present (this may help with the ml_ll view related crashes especially for a few where there's 100,000s of items to be checked over)
Changed how generic window titlebars under a classic skin are drawn for skins which haven't been updated to support numbers & some extended characters to instead condense the text drawn instead of leaping potentially large empty blocks (e.g. when skinned prefs is enabled & looking at the preferences window titlebar which normally tries to show the current WACUP build number)
Changed out some of the ml_local vs ml_ll handling checks done whilst removing the ability for ml_local to be loaded (see below) so it's all a bit cleaner & quicker
Changed the skinned scrollbar handling to reduce some of the overhead needed to get to the actual drawing which may help resolve some of the weirder crashes due to them
Changed a callback method that the WACUP media library plug-ins were using for getting skinned listview column size changes to now be done via the new shared skinning support (this has the bonus of removing a window subclass done on the listviews which is a good thing as less subclassing means less overall overhead)
Changed the library history plug-in & anything else WACUP provided using it's database to now use a differently formatted history database which resolves some issues the Winamp layout was having (this will migrate the old format over to the new one automatically so there shouldn't be any loss of valid history)
Changed the library history plug-in view initialisation to make it less likely to block WACUP on initial loading
Changed how the podcast downloads view deals with loading to provide some feedback something is happening instead of showing a blank list (this is more of an issue for larger stored lists of downloads)
Changed how the WACUP provided library plug-ins deal with tracking the currently playing item to reduce the memory overhead from duplicating some of the handling
Changed how the ml_ll local library handles playcount updates to minimise loss of that information if WACUP happens to crash (it'll now trigger a save after 3 events which should average a save every 10mins based on average song lengths)
Fixed the installer not always creating the settings folder at the appropriate time which could cause some aspects of installation to fail / not complete as expected
Fixed a crash related to how the mimetype information for artwork is generated from the file metadata
Fixed the main window visualisation & related plug-in interactions with it not working when the playback buffers were set higher than an internal limit put in place a few years back in relation to a crash issue
Fixed the podcast downloads view not always ensuring when changing the column sorting that the new order of the sorted items would been seen
Fixed the podcast downloads view not remembering the sorting correctly as well as it double-sorting the items on initial loading of the view
Fixed a lyrics metadata parsing issue that could if there were double-brackets within the tect cause an infinite loop to be triggered (oops)
Fixed the WASAPI output plug-in crashing when accessing it's preferences page if there's no active devices reported (e.g. doing things whilst updating audio drivers)
Fixed the autoplay on start-up action causing a volume changed message to appear (depending on the skin being used this could be more annoying than with other skins)
Fixed the 'open playlist from library' submenu on the main playlist editor's manage playlist button (what a mouthful) getting duplicated on repeat use of the menu
Fixed the probable cause of some of the reported issues with the history playcount being doubled (this seems to have been mostly related to the playback offset handling)
Fixed the DSP & visualisation plug-in preference pages not always reporting plug-ins that are present but could not be loaded due to a dll loading error within the lists
Fixed a compatibility issue related to libflac.dll & the old edcast (dsp_edcast.dll) plug-in for streaming where it needed more features than my libflac compile offered
Fixed the drawing of the classic skin main window songticker & time display causing unwanted full window or nearby areas to be redrawn when it's not required which led to the main window visualisation to effectively flicker (the solution for the flickering is possibly the cause of the main window going black &/or stopping updating that's been an issue since the WACUP core took over the main window drawing)
Other misc small changes as part of trying to resolve some of the likely skinned scrollbar related crashes that have been experienced (it's better than it was but there's still a possible crash that'll occur)
Removed the use of the Winamp 5.666 local library plug-in (ml_local.dll) by WACUP even if there's still some comparative features missing with the ml_ll.dll replacement
Updated minizip-ng (zlib.dll) to 3.0.3 (6 Sep 2021)
Updated Patreon list (9 Sep 2021)
Updated vgmstream (in_vgmstream.dll) to the latest Git commit from 5 Sep 2021
Updated zlib-ng (zlib.dll) to 2.1.0-devel (3 Sep 2021)