Changed how the ml_ll internal view cache is handled to hopefully resolve some of the odd crashes being seen (e.g. changing local library views whilst a new track starts to play & a playcount change occurs)
Changed how the library history plug-in deals with some corruption issues as a refinement of some of the changes made in the last 2 beta builds
Fixed the probable cause the library history view sometimes crashing when the list is being updated just after a search / view refresh has happened
Fixed some issues with the status area & general sizing of the multi-pane local library views when its set to place the view results to the right of the view filters
Fixed the playlist editor not initial drawing (i.e. appearing like the default window background) when loading in the Winamp Modern skin with the window initially closed (it'd eventually appear on interaction or after waiting an unreasonable time)
Fixed the library history view not always reporting the correct total number of plays in the status message (this was affected by where the currently playing item was vs the sorting of the history results)