Changed the error reporter to also include the WACUP version in the attempted email title
Fixed the wrong video window mode being shown by default & some other small related changes to allow the window to be interacted with as expected (e.g. closing correctly) despite video playback still being broken in this build
Fixed an issue preventing the available video decoders from being initialised
Fixed a crash when a podcast is attempted to be added to the replacement media library plug-in (ml_ll.dll)
Fixed the podcast channel not always being correctly set when auto-added to the local library database
Fixed a typo related to the use of oscilloscope in the preferences
Fixed a pixel misalignment of the top classic skin vu meter bar in double size mode
Fixed the legacy jnetlib implementation not allowing some streams to connect
Fixed the supporting resource dlls incorrectly using 'pack' instead of 'project' in their version information
Fixed a crash when viewing the Winamp version history due to a weird text encoding related processing failure
Fixed a crash when attempting to start transcoding a file (build specific initialisation failure)
Fixed winamp.bm8 & not being correctly updated as expected (this affected winamp.bm8 the most)
Fixed colour theme changes not being reflected within the media library window without requiring a full skin refresh (build specific issue causing the required message to not be received)
Fixed a file access sharing issue when trying to retrieve artwork which could prevent some file types from playing
Fixed some of the delay loaded system components (w5s) being loaded multiple times due to an existence test failure