Added skinning of the tooltips associated with the native windows including the generically skinned window frames for a more consistent skinned experience
Added the ability to make WACUP use a user specified copy of the youtube-dl instead of relying upon WACUP to manage things (for those using shared file handling)
Changed the un-skinned preferences window to also report the current WACUP version as part of the title as another way to quickly determine the WACUP version used
Changed the quality dropdown text on the MP3 encoder configuration dialog to remove the '--alt preset ' prefix so it's easier to read through the quality settings
Changed the YouTube related stream playback handling back to the original helper tool (for now it's self-updater will not be relied upon vs the previous handling)
Fixed a crash due to the Nullsoft MIDI input plug-in incorrectly being called for HTTP streams at times & it trying to download the 'file' & that never completing
Fixed the probable cause of a crash (unless it doesn't due to the Modern skin engine breaking other things) seen when switching from modern skins back to classics
Fixed the Crystal Classic Skins plug-in not always catching the native nor some of the generically skinned window due to some aspects running faster than expected
Fixed a crash due to a mismatch in the version of the memory manager service being used between plug-ins & the WACUP core & remaining parts of Winamp still in use
Fixed the probable cause of when changing between modern & classic skins the media library window ends up somewhere offscreen & becomes a hassle to get it back :(
Fixed the Twitter preference page not displaying correctly when skinned preferences mode is enabled due to a conflict with some custom handling the page was doing
Fixed the Twitter preference page not starting the authentication process correctly when first displayed due to an internal validation issue with port 80 proxying
Fixed encoding files to an MP4 container 'working' in the format converter window but a small stub file was instead being created - this broke after build 6050 :(