🎂 Happy 20th Birthday Winamp 🎂 You can find out more about this here
Added ability to use your own Twitter App API keys for tweeting from WACUP (see the 'Advanced' preferences page)
Added a diagnostics preferences tab to the 'Play Tracking' plug-in (primarily to help determine issues with Twitter)
Changed 'Play Tracking' to do various additional checks when sending tweets to minimise issues due to rate limiting
Changed the rate limiting 'Wait for at least xx play events' option to now be enabled by default (waiting 3 play events)
Changed 'Skinned Preferences' to better deal with listview controls marked as 'ignored' (e.g. on the 'Play Tracking' diagnostics listview)
Changed the libcurl build options to remove support for certain modes not required by WACUP (smaller dll size)
Changed in_zip to report the file types it reports so those archives can be recognised by the media library (more work is required to have them correctly handled when adding to the main playlist from the library)