🎂 Happy 20th Birthday Winamp 🎂 You can find out more about this here
Added support for the 'Mojo Master' visualisation plug-in to work without the need for administator access to save settings and other related compatibility updates for the plug-in to make it more usable
Added an explicit check for System\timer.w5s on loading to avoid issues with it being accidentally removed (moderns skins fail without it)
Added 'live' updating of the podcast downloads library view without the need to manually press F8 (or switching the view) to update and show new downloads
Added direct decoding support to 'Waveform Seeker' which removes the need for temporary input plug-in copies to aid in extracting the audio data for most popular formats (subject to input plug-in support of the direct transcoding api interfaces)
Changed how the proxy string is obtained from the Winamp core to avoid some potential dead-locks (improves some podcast related downloading issues)
Changed the 'Settings Cache' diagnostics page to show the compact file path to match the 'Settings Locations' page
Changed the 'Info Tool' report handling to disable DirectX diagnostics log generation for automatic report generation (custom logs weren't generating this log anyway as it's off little use for WACUP debugging needs)
Changed the 'api_playlist_colouriser' interface to only handle the drawing of reported main playlist entries instead of being applied on all main playlist items as a small optimisation and to help minimise drawing issues if other aspects get corrupted
Changed the renaming of external library playlists to rename the playlist file instead of only renaming the library display name
Fixed the main playlist editor showing the 'classic' skin text colours when using a modern skin in some scenarios
Fixed the 'Downloads' view crashing when pressing F8 to refresh the whilst downloads are in-progress
Fixed the 'Downloads' view showing some specific failed downloads as having completed successfully
Fixed the 'Downloads' view not maintaining the current selection when changing the view sorting (regression)
Fixed the library playlists root node not enabling the action buttons as expected on playlist selection
Fixed library playlist renaming not working due to plug-in conflicts and an incomplate implementation for navigation tree items
Fixed library playlist view drawing issues when the playlist no longer exists and the status message is displayed
Fixed FLAC playback by reverting libflac back to the standard 1.3.2 from the more recent git version
Fixed the 'Skinned Preferences' scrollbars not updating / displaying the correct style in a number of scenarios
Fixed the 'Skinned Preferences' check boxes wrapping some content onto multiple lines which did not happen when non skinned
Fixed the 'Skinned Preferences' check boxes not being vertically aligned correctly for multi-line instances
Fixed the 'Skinned Preferences' edit boxes not being skinned to the edge or correctly if read-only / disabled
Fixed 'Waveform Seeker' crashing on close / repeat playback of Opus files with the in_bpopus.dll input plug-in
Fixed 'Waveform Seeker' sometimes trying to process missing files
Fixed occassional crash due to a specifc order of plug-in loading
Fixed the scheduler not always running the scheduled event due to timer resolution issues (the timer is now more forgiving and uses less resources)
Updated in_openmpt to 0.2.8190-beta24 (22 May 2017)
Updated libnghttp2 (libcurl.dll) to 1.23.1 (30 May 2017)
Updated openssl (libcurl.dll) to 1.0.2l (25 May 2017)