This is the fifth of a batch of update posts that are being made a while after I’d started to actually do them as i’d been much more focused on looking at finding the parts for a new PC (aka Black Friday deals and all that) instead of coding and doing as much work towards the next beta build. So without wasting anymore time, onto the updates :)
Week 94 Progress Update (happy fallout)
This is the fourth of a batch of update posts that are being made a while after I’d started to actually do them as i’d been much more focused on coding towards the next beta build (as a build made it out the week before) than doing the other things that also have to be done. So without wasting anymore time, onto the updates :)
Week 93 Progress Update (a new build you say)
This is the third of a batch of update posts that are being made a while after I’d started to actually do them as i’d been much more focused on coding towards the newer beta build (as was finally achieved this week) than doing the other things that also have to be done. So without wasting anymore time, onto the updates :)
WACUP Beta Build #1988
Week 92 Progress Update (persistence of software)
This is the second of a batch of update posts that are being made a while after I’d started to actually do them as i’d been much more focused on coding than doing the other things that also have to be done. So without wasting anymore time, onto the updates :)