The Big Update - Weeks 41 + 42 + 43 + 44 (Beta builds finally arrived!)

With everything that has gone on over the last 4 weeks (which I suspect most following things already know about or it can worked out from the title of this update) I can only apologise that the blog didn’t get updated at the same time (it’s all been a bit hectic between WACUP work and un-related personal matters).

With this update I’m not going to cover everything as I’m not sure that’d be too interesting or even if I could do that from the notes I’ve made about things as I’ve gone on. If you just want a quick summary of things over these last few weeks then it’s best to have a look at the beta changelogs for the builds that have been provided so far to the beta testers (and due to some of the issues covered later in this post a build wasn’t released during this week).

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Blog Updates To Resume Next Week (w/c 21st Nov)

As some may have noticed there hasn’t been a blog post update for a few weeks which is all down to me being focused on fixing issues raised by those who’ve been doing beta testing (*) of the first two builds of WACUP over on the Community Forum.

So until blog post updates resume (which may be done in a slightly different style as well as day since I seem to be doing Friday beta build releases), you can follow some of the development, etc that is going on via Twitter, Facebook or on the Community Forum.


(*) You can still sign-up (or suggest to friends you know who might be interested) to help out beta testing by creating a community forum account and following the instructions during account registration.